Study with us
Training the future generations of bioscience leaders.
We have a vibrant postgraduate research community of around 250 students across a range of research programmes, PhD, MPhil and MD.
Our postgraduate research (PGR) students undertake fundamental research in biosciences. Projects reflect our multi-disciplinary research portfolio, from genes and proteins to single cells and whole organisms.
Our students receive strong supervision and mentorship during the duration of their research programme.
Our students are offered the opportunity to develop a range of knowledge and skills in a range of areas which align to the UK Researcher Development Framework. Teaching opportunities are also available.
An important element of training the next generation researchers is widening their knowledge outside of their immediate research area. During each academic year, the Institute hosts a seminar programme of national and international speakers which we encourage our students to attend.
Membership of learned societies is encouraged for all our students and attendance at scientific conferences across the globe is supported.
I would definitely recommend a PhD in NUBI to any one of my friends. I can really feel that the academics are committed to our learning process and make efforts to guide us and take into account our own future and plans.
Our students are supported by a dedicated Institute PGR Team consisting of academic and Professional Services members of staff alongside PGR Student Representatives from all years of study, and we have an active PGR Student-Staff Committee.
Our Faculty also has a dedicated that supports all postgraduate students in medical sciences. An important role is to provide a programme of training resources. These often offer practical advice on managing your qualification. They also help you to recognise the transferable skills you will develop during your time at Newcastle.
I have a project I am passionate about, a lab that is supportive and a supervisor that allows independence and great advice when needed. The knowledge I have gained from being in NUBI is vast. I hope to use this knowledge to continue my academic career.
Our students achieve significant engagement and impact through various opportunities supported and win prizes:
- Our students have co-organised the annual North East Postgraduate Conference from 2017-20
- Bethany Gollan (Khan lab) was a member of the winning team in the Engineering YES National Competition in 2018.
- Rhys Anderson (Passos lab) won the People’s Choice Award in the Vitae 3-Minute Thesis Competition in 2014.
- Siobhan Lister (Rutherford lab) introduced crèche facilities to the NEPG conference held in 2018, which has now become a regular feature at the conference
- Our students have formed the Bioscience Institute Social Committee, BISCit which organises research and career symposia, and social events

Postgraduate funding
Funding postgraduate research study is important. Funding opportunities for postgraduate research study are advertised throughout the year, but mostly between April and October. Previously, projects have been funded by BBSRC, EPSRC, MRC and international research organisations as well as charities and industry (including CASE studentships).
Please check the Newcastle University funding database for current opportunities.
If you would like to propose your own research project and have funding in place, please contact the appropriate member of staff to discuss opportunities. If you are unsure who to contact please get in touch.
Visiting postgraduate researchers
The Institute welcomes PGR students enrolled in other universities both in the UK and abroad to spend research time with us in Newcastle. The maximum length of a visit is 12 months.
There are many reasons to complete a research placement:
- learn new experimental techniques
- work with one of our leading academics
- gain experience working in a world-class research environment
How to Apply
In the first instance you should contact an appropriate member of staff to discuss opportunities to work with them. If you're not sure which member of staff to contact please get in touch with our Institute PGR team.
Once we have agreed to your visit in principle, all visiting students must register as occasional students and apply online. You will not receive any formal qualification, award or credit from Newcastle University for your studies.
How to apply
If you want to be part of our world-class research community, please apply via the University’s online portal.
If you have informal questions you can contact the Institute team.