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Research Themes

Bringing together researchers and clinicians to address the world's most pressing biological, medical and health problems.

Our themes provide vibrant research communities which cross disciplines such as:

  • basic science research
  • clinical research
  • population health research

They drive ambitious and innovative research and education.

Ageing and Geroscience

This theme aims to tackle the global challenge associated with increased ageing.

Applied Cancer Therapeutics and Outcomes

This research theme encompasses translational and applied cancer research within the Faculty.

Behavioural Science and Psychology

We aim to understand the behaviour of whole organisms, covering both humans and non-human animal species.

Cells, Genes and Molecules

We investigate the fundamental cellular, genetic, and molecular mechanisms of life, in health and disease.

Discovery of Medicines

Translating the latest research findings into new medicines for the treatment of human diseases.

Education Research

Our theme develops collaborative education research and supports staff and student education researchers.

Immunity and Inflammation

We study immunity and inflammation across the life-course, in health and disease.

Innovation, Methodology and Application

We lead cutting edge research by developing novel and existing methodologies and technologies.

Long Term Conditions and Multimorbidity

We improve lives through world-class translational research into multimorbidity and long term conditions.

Mental Health, Dementia and Neurodegeneration

Improving the care and outcomes of patients.

Microbes in Health and Disease

Investigating microbial interactions in human hosts.

Mitochondrial and Neuromuscular Diseases

We want to transform the promise of scientific advances into revolutionary treatments. We hope this restores neuromuscular and mitochondrial health.

Molecular and Cellular Microbiology

Microorganisms play critical roles in all major aspects of life on earth.

Neuroscience, Neurodisability and Neurological Disorders

We are a diverse group of scientists and clinicians who aim to understand how the nervous system works, in both health and disease.

Nutrition, Exercise and Metabolism

We deliver world-class research to understand how different factors affect health and wellbeing.

Precision Medicine, Genomics and Informatics

We aim to improve treatments to benefit patients and enhance health and wellbeing. We achieve this by exploiting multidimensional clinical, genetic, pathological and molecular data.

Public Health and Health Inequalities

The Public Health and Health Inequalities theme undertakes innovative research and teaching.

Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cells, Transplantation

This theme brings together a team of internationally-recognised scientists.

Reproduction, Development and Child Health

Our research increases understanding of key early life events influencing life-course health and well-being.

Vascular Biology and Medicine

We conduct research into fundamental vascular mechanisms and the treatment of cardiovascular disease.