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Serbian Clinical Immunology Fund

Funds of up to £3000 will support clinical immunology initiatives between Newcastle, UK and Serbia.

Applications to the Lilic-Abinun fund are now open. 

This fund is a bequest that will become fully functional in the future, but applications are currently invited for limited grants to ensure smooth functioning.

Application deadlines are annual in the last week of May. Proposals will be assessed by an independent panel appointed by Newcastle University.

This exchange is between candidates from Serbia and candidates from Newcastle / North-East UK. 

Funds are intended to enable and enhance the practice of all areas of clinical immunology in Serbia in ANY of the following activities: 

  • adult and paediatric clinical immunology services
  • diagnostic services
  • research 

Special consideration will be given to projects promoting forging of contacts and establishing collaboration in any of the above areas.


Project proposals / educational activities should support and promote:

  • reciprocal exchange of knowledge
  • forging of contacts 
  • current and future collaborations

Proposals from Serbia-based candidates coming to Newcastle

  • candidates (including doctors, nurses, technicians etc) attending as visiting clinical observers 
  • candidates visiting clinical diagnostic laboratories to acquire new skills 
  • candidates participating in ongoing research projects relating to primary immune deficiencies but also other areas relevant to clinical immunology 
  • attending educational events with participation of Newcastle University 
  • acquiring equipment / regents for the advancement of research in Serbia (limited funds up to £1500)

Proposals from Newcastle-based candidates going to Serbia

  • organising workshops and training courses in Serbia 
  • organising standardisation procedures and promoting accreditation of clinical and laboratory services in Serbia 
  • candidates from Newcastle taking part in ongoing research projects in Serbia


Candidates can apply for sums of up to £3000. Projects run for up to six months. The support and duration are flexible but must be justified in the project proposal. Possible exceptions are at the discretion of the selection panel.


Eligible candidates include medical staff, clinical scientists, scientists and academics working in all areas relating to clinical immunology. Candidates working in the field of primary immune deficiencies will have an advantage, but all areas relating to clinical immunology will be included. Candidates should be: 

  • Serbian or UK nationals or residents
  • working in Serbia or Newcastle 
  • proposing to work with host institutions in the alternate location

There is no age restriction, but candidates already established in their field will have preference.

Host institutions

Applicants must have been in contact with their proposed host organisation and submit a letter of support as evidence.

Host Institutions Newcastle

Newcastle's host institutions include the University's Faculty of Medical Sciences. Linked NHS Teaching Hospitals in Newcastle and the North East are also involved.

For enquiries regarding accommodation in Newcastle please visit the Newcastle University accommodation pages.

Additional funds required for “cost of living” i.e.  subsistence costs (accommodation and food) should be aligned with Newcastle University estimates for students/ postgraduates and consequently for visiting fellows. This is currently at £1300 per month or £325 per week and is the amount that will be approved. View more information on Cost of Living in Newcastle.

If you need any support whilst in Newcastle, you can contact our wellbeing team

Host Institutions Serbia

Serbia's host institutions include Medical Faculties at accredited Universities, including linked teaching hospitals throughout Serbia, in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Nis, and Kragujevac.


If you have any queries please email

Final Reports

Access final reports from previous successful Trust Fund candidates below: 

Maja Stojanovic (PDF: 113KB)

Ivana Stojanovic (PDF: 125KB)

Milica Zecevic (PDF: 61KB)

Tamara Saksida (PDF: 121KB)

Maja Stojanović (PDF: 152KB)

Papers published acknowledging Trust Funding

View papers that acknowledge Trust Funding:

Ivana Stojanovic et al Molecules (PDF: 900KB)

Tamara Sakside et al Molecules (PDF: 1.5MB)

How to apply

Applications to the Lilic-Abinun fund are now open. Deadlines are annual in the last week of May. 

Applicants should complete the Serbian Clinical Immunology Fund Application Form

Applicants should email their:

  • application form
  • CV
  • letter of support from their home institution
  • letter of support from their host institution

to the following email address:

Within six months of project completion you will submit a final report to the Selection Panel, Host Institution and to who will upload it to the website. They will assess the report against anticipated objectives and outcomes. The report will become accessible on this website.

The award selection panel contains members from the Newcastle host institutions including: 

  • adult and paediatric clinical immunologists 
  • clinical scientists in diagnostic laboratories relevant to clinical immunology
  • scientists and academics conducting research in the field of clinical immunology
About the fund

The Serbian Clinical Immunology Fund was generously set up by Dr Desa Lilic and Dr Mario Abinun, both medical consultants. They are now retired having worked for Newcastle University and the NHS for 25 years in the field of clinical immunology.  

Given their careers, commitments and enduring passion to understand immune mechanisms in clinical practice, Dr Lilic and Dr Abinun were keen to contribute and support further advancement of all aspects of Clinical Immunology in Serbia. The Serbian Clinical Immunology Fund will enable and enhance the practice and advancement of clinical immunology in Serbia by supporting reciprocal exchange of knowledge, visits, interactions and forging of contacts between candidates from Serbia and candidates from Newcastle. Dr Lilic and Dr Abinun have also pledged a legacy gift in their will to ensure this programme continues for many generations to come. 

Dr Lilic and Dr Abinun qualified as medical doctors at Belgrade and Sarajevo University respectively in the former Yugoslavia. Both focused their clinical and research interests on immunology. They were active participants of the prestigious Yugoslav Immunology Society. They were also founding members of the European Society for Immune Deficiency which is now internationally recognised.  

In 1990, Dr Abinun and his team conducted the first bone marrow transplantation in a child with severe combined immune deficiency. Dr Lilic and her team prepared the bone marrow. In 1992, both came to Newcastle, UK because of the conflict that was taking place in Yugoslavia. Dr Abinun came to the newly opened NHS paediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit and Dr Lilic established her research group at Newcastle University.  

Dr Lilic also set up Clinical Immunology Diagnostic Laboratories at the James Cook University Hospital in Middlesbrough and University Hospital of North Durham. She established specialised Candidiasis clinics at the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle.  

Dr Lilic’s research focused on patients with Chronic Mucocutaneous Candidiasis (CMC), resulting in the identification of underlying mechanisms including an underlying STAT1-gain of function gene mutation in one cohort and IL-17 anti-cytokine antibodies in another. These findings enabled definition of disease cohorts, novel diagnostic approaches and new treatments in CMC patients. 

Dr Abinun’s significant achievements were in the treatment and diagnosis of PIDs, as well as joint research with Dr Lilic. Dr Abinun also set up BMT in children with juvenile arthritis and other systemic autoimmune diseases. 

“I don’t think there’s anything more worthwhile investing in as knowledge, in all shapes and forms. We owe our education, our values and initial carriers to what was Yugoslavia. The country really invested in us, and we feel we owe it to Serbia to give back what we can. By supporting research at Newcastle, we’re planting a seed that will continue to grow and make a difference after the initial donation. It’s an investment for our future.”