Press Office


News in 2012

  • Medical research boosted by major North East company

    Young researchers and scientists will be pushing the frontiers of research into ageing, human genetics and neurodegenerative disease at Newcastle University with the help of a £1m donation from the Barbour Foundation. 

    published on: 20 December 2012

  • Newcastle University reports strong year of performance

    Maintaining student numbers and high levels of student satisfaction, developing international activity and increasing research income have topped a strong year of performance by Newcastle University.

    published on: 20 December 2012

  • Scintillating star: More sparkle with two eyes

    The scintillating grid, where the grid appears to sparkle, has been shown to be more sparkly when you view it with both eyes rather than one eye.

    published on: 19 December 2012

  • Popular TV chefs less healthy than ready meals

    Recipes created by popular TV chefs contain significantly more energy, protein, fat, and saturated fat and less fibre per portion than supermarket ready meals.

    published on: 18 December 2012

  • All at sea for Christmas

    Newcastle University scientist Susan Gebbels today sets sail to the centre of the Pacific Ocean as part of a new expedition to uncover one of the earth’s deepest secrets.

    published on: 17 December 2012

  • Science hits the streets

    Christmas shoppers in Newcastle City Centre were stopped in their tracks by the fun and fascinating live demonstrations of a team of science buskers.

    published on: 13 December 2012

  • Ageing Creatively: the art of growing older

    New research which aims to find out if the arts can improve wellbeing in later life is being carried out at Newcastle University.

    published on: 12 December 2012

  • British team look for life in Antarctica

    Today, a British team of scientists and engineers will realise a 16 year ambition to drill down through over three kilometres of Antarctic ice into an ancient buried lake.

    published on: 12 December 2012

  • “Outstanding research leader" to tackle obesity

    Professor Ashley Adamson has won a prestigious award that recognises “the country’s most outstanding research leaders”.

    published on: 11 December 2012

  • Newcastle University Business School welcomes world-leading academics

    Following a global hunt, Newcastle University Business School has welcomed over 20 new scholarly appointments from eight countries, including a director of teaching and learning, in what has been a dynamic period in the School’s development.

    published on: 11 December 2012

  • Annual lecture to be held in memory of renowned English Professor

    A renowned Newcastle University professor is to be remembered with an annual lecture in his honour.

    published on: 10 December 2012

  • Grand renovation confirmed

    The historic Grand Hotel on Barras Bridge is to benefit from a major refurbishment by Newcastle University to improve the accommodation on offer to students.

    published on: 10 December 2012

  • Campus life through a lens

    The search is on for the next Ridley Scott as three students at Newcastle University launch a competition for fellow students to capture what’s best about life on campus and the city of Newcastle.

    published on: 10 December 2012

  • Mary Webb: Journeys in Colour

    Artist Mary Webb, a graduate of Fine Art at Newcastle University, is back in the region to display her work at Hatton Gallery.

    published on: 7 December 2012

  • What we eat affects our jeans...and our genes

    New research has shown that molecular changes to our genes, known as epigenetic marks, are driven mainly by ageing but are also affected by what we eat.

    published on: 7 December 2012

  • Stem cell scientists help speed up drug discovery

    Newcastle University has today announced a consortium with industry to provide stem cells for drug discovery research.

    published on: 6 December 2012

  • Innovation experts collaborate to promote healthy ageing

    World-leading innovation experts from industry and academia are gathering to create new ideas and concepts to encourage healthy and active ageing - one of the biggest issues and opportunities facing society today.

    published on: 21 November 2012

  • Innovative energy project set to use cosmic rays for monitoring

    A research consortium involving Newcastle University has won government and industry funding to develop a novel technique using cosmic rays for monitoring storage sites for carbon dioxide.

    published on: 21 November 2012

  • Newcastle student needs life saving bone marrow donor

    Biomedical Sciences student Martin Solomon is battling Hodgkin's Lymphoma and needs a lifesaving transplant. Martin's family are urging people aged 16-30 to join the Anthony Nolan bone marrow register and become potential lifesavers.

    published on: 16 November 2012

  • A 'complement' to the Commons

    Dr David Kavanagh swapped the lab benches for the front benches of the House of Commons during his “Week in Westminster” as part of a unique pairing scheme.

    published on: 16 November 2012

  • £1.4 million boost for science innovation at Newcastle

    The Business Secretary Vince Cable today announced a £1.4m investment in Newcastle University to help turn our best science ideas into successful business projects.

    published on: 15 November 2012

  • Newcastle Science City has its new director

    A new director has been appointed at Newcastle Science City.

    published on: 12 November 2012

  • Ensuring equality in local government

    Good leadership is vital in ensuring equality measures affecting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people is implemented properly in local government, research has shown.

    published on: 6 November 2012

  • Study aims to reduce vitamin D deficiency in older people

    Researchers at Newcastle University are aiming to reduce vitamin D deficiency in people over 70 during the winter months caused by lack of sunlight.

    published on: 6 November 2012

  • Minimum alcohol price not set high enough

    Following Prime Minister David Cameron's vow last week to tackle binge drinking, new research from Newcastle University has highlighted the need for a strong approach to alcohol pricing.

    published on: 23 February 2012

  • Lottery support for Moorbank Botanic Garden

    Moorbank, Newcastle University’s botanic garden, has been awarded a first-round pass of £194,200  including a development grant of £12,200 from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF). 

    published on: 23 February 2012

  • Bugs from space offer new source of power

    Bacteria normally found 30km above the earth have been identified as highly efficient generators of electricity.

    published on: 22 February 2012

  • Dash to help - new app to improve stroke treatment

    The Newcastle team who helped develop the FAST system to identify a stroke are now piloting an app to ensure the best treatment for stroke patients - and it has caught the attention of the Health Secretary.

    published on: 20 February 2012

  • New regulations fail to make TV food adverts healthier for children

    Despite new regulations restricting TV advertisements for food, children are still exposed to the same level of advertising for unhealthy products, researchers have found.

    published on: 15 February 2012

  • Improving the health and wellbeing of dementia sufferers

    A Newcastle University medic is recognised as one of the UK's most promising leaders in medical health research and awarded a £1.5m National Institute for Health Research professorship for dementia work.

    published on: 15 February 2012

  • International Development Conference 2012 - 'The World at 7 Billion: Rethinking Development'

    The International Development Society at Newcastle University announce their annual conference which will focus on contemporary challenges and opportunities in International Development and how these are impacted by a growing population.

    published on: 15 February 2012

  • The Joy of Cheques

    An electronic cheque which eliminates the need for costly processing by banks but preserves the simplicity and ease of a traditional cheque book has been designed by a team of academics in the UK.

    published on: 13 February 2012

  • To fish or not to fish?

    Most fishermen would not give up their livelihood despite dwindling catches, a new study has revealed.

    published on: 10 February 2012

  • Living with Floods

    Youngsters and community leaders with first-hand experience of the devastation caused by flooding are helping to draw up action plans that will improve the way we can respond to future floods in our region.

    published on: 9 February 2012

  • New Institute for Social Renewal launched at Newcastle University

    Newcastle University has launched a dedicated Institute for Social Renewal which will be a focus for research into global challenges such as stimulating enterprise, regenerating places and tackling health and education inequalities.

    published on: 8 February 2012

  • Top speakers bring Insights to Newcastle University

    He was a hit with Newcastle audiences in Victorian times and Charles Dickens will be pulling in the crowds again 200 years after he was born at a public lecture at Newcastle University.

    published on: 8 February 2012

  • New scholarship boost to Newcastle's budding scientists

    Newcastle University students are set to benefit, for a second year, from 44 scholarships to support their studies in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM), thanks to a generous donation. 

    published on: 7 February 2012

  • Diabetes linked to higher rate of birth defects

    Pregnant women with diabetes are almost four times more likely to have a baby with a birth defect than women without the condition and a new study reveals the link to the mother's glucose level.

    published on: 6 February 2012

  • Newcastle brain bank recruits 200th donor for dementia research

    Researchers at Newcastle University are calling for more people to consider brain donation after the 200th donor signed up for the brain bank, a vital tool to help researchers defeat dementia.

    published on: 6 February 2012

  • Jatropha research could provide key for future of biofuels

    South East Asia: Work being carried out by an international student at Newcastle University could transform the biofuels industry by refining the process of converting a common shrub into oil.

    published on: 5 February 2012