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Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre (Creative PEC)

The Creative PEC supports growth in the UK’s creative industries through independent, authoritative research and policy advice.

Our involvement

Newcastle University is the current co-host of the Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre (Creative PEC).

This collaborative research initiative gives evidence-based policy insights and analysis which support the creative industries.

It aims to inform policymakers, industry professionals and other stakeholders about the economic and cultural impact of the creative sector.

Working together

The Creative PEC is a collaborative effort. It involves several UK universities and research institutions.

Together, we examine various aspects of the creative economy through:

  • research projects
  • data analysis
  • knowledge exchange activities

The Creative PEC will be led by Newcastle University until 2028, with the RSA. Newcastle University will employ the majority of Creative PEC employees, including the directorate and SMT and will be the home for the research unit. RSA provides office facilities and a London hub for meetings. This model is designed to support the inclusive and sustainable growth of the creative industries across the country.

The front cover of the 2023 Creative PEC State of Creativity programme

Supporting UK creative industries

The creative industries are a UK success story. They grew at double the rate of the overall UK economy between 2011 and 2019. 400,000 additional jobs have been created since 2015.

We are working to ensure the UK remains a world leader in creative industries. To achieve this we need to make good, impactful policy decisions. These must be based on robust evidence and independent advice. The Creative PEC is at the heart of these debates. It provides an impartial, reliable and challenging voice.

Initiatives and activities

Between 2023 and 2028, the Creative PEC will introduce "State of the Nation" reporting across four high-level priority thematic areas.

Four organisations comprise the research consortium. Each organisation will lead a specific area, which are:

The Creative PEC will convene a new multi-disciplinary research network. This network will undertake research to address industry and policymaker needs. They will work on topics that are relevant for policies to support the creative industries. This will take place throughout the five-year duration of the award.


The leaders of the Creative PEC are:

  • Hasan Bakhshi Professor of Economics of Creative Industries (PEC Director), MBE
  • Giorgio Fazio, Professor of Macroeconomics at Newcastle University Business School (Research Director)
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