Centre for Knowledge, Innovation, Technology and Enterprise

Staff Profile

Professor Jingxin Dong

Professor of Operations Management and Supply Chain Management


Professor Jingxin Dong is currently employed as a Professor of Operations Management & Supply Chain Management. 

According to the UK ABS journal ranking list, his REF 2014 GPA is 3.5 out of 4 based on four outputs, and his REF 2021 GPA is 3.8 out of 4 based on five outputs.

He has rich teaching and research experience in the field of operation research, operations management, logistics, and supply chain management. His expertise is to apply mathematical optimisation and computer science in these fields. He has led or participated in more than 20 research projects funded by EPSRC, ESRC, ASEM(Asia-Europe Meeting), EU, British Council, Indian UGC, and Chinese NFC.

He was the Deputy Director of the NUBS PhD programme, Director of Postgraduate Research Programme(Doctoral Programme), Director of DBA and the co-Director for the research centre of Multidisciplinary Applied Research in Organisational Excellence (MAROE) at Newcastle University Business School. Before he moved to Newcastle, he worked in Plymouth, UCL, Liverpool, and Hull.

Google scholar: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=5Jsk6HAAAAAJ&hl=en 


Research interests

  1. Modelling, simulation and optimisation for stochastic systems;
  2. Logistics and supply chain management;
  3. Intelligent transport system studies;
  4. Shipping and port management;
  5. Transport planning and management;
  6. Application of GPS/GIS in transport

Academic award

  1. Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing for European Journal of Operational Research(2018)
  2. Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing for Computers & Operations Research(2017)
  3. Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing for Transportation Research Part C(2017)
  4. Best Paper Award, The 8th International Workshop on Behavioral Operations Management, Nanjing, China 2016 Paper title: Supply Chain Coordination with Asymmetric Fairness Concern Information: Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Evidence
  5. Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing for Transportation Research Part E(2015, 2017)
  6. Excellence in Reviewing for Transportation Research Part E(2016)
  7. Beijing Scientific Excellence Award by Beijing Municipal Government (2006)
  8. Excellent University Graduate awarded by the Government of Sichuan Province, China (1999)

Research grants

  1. Asia-Europe Meeting DUO-India Fellowship Programme(2020), € 6,000, PI
  2. ESRC NINE DTP, The Role of Trade Credit in Co-operative Search Advertising Game,(2020-2024),  £116, 940, PI
  3. UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) Commonwealth Split-site Scholarships for PhD students(2019),  £10,760, PI
  4. British Council UKIERI and Indian UGC, Collaborative Decision Making on Container Supply Chains. (£ 143,313.11), PI
  5. British Council Newton Fund and NFSC (2016-2017), UK-China Research Workshop on Green House Gas Reduction in International Logistics and Supply Chain. (£34,510), PI
  6. Newcastle HASS Faculty (2016-2017) Reinvent container. £ 5,462.07, PI
  7. Newcastle HASS Faculty (2015-2016), Container leasing optimisation with stochastic demands in shipping industry. £ 3450.00, PI
  8. EU FP7(2013 – 2017),  LEANWIND (Logistic Efficiencies and Naval architecture for Wind Installations with Novel Developments, 15 million euro ) Co-I
  9. HEFCE Promising Researcher Grant (2010-2011), £5,000, PI
  10. LJMU Faculty of Technology and Environment Research Grant (2010-2011), £2,000, PI
  11. EU INTERREG IVB NEW WEASTFLOWS Strengthening the development of sustainable connectivity in NWE for freight and logistics with the support of ICT innovative solutions (2011-2015), €9,072,555.32, Co-I

Act as referees for international academic journals including:

  1. Transportation Science
  2. European Journal of Operational Research
  3. Journal of the Operational Research Society
  4. Transportation Research Part B
  5. Transportation Research Part C
  6. Transportation Research Part D
  7. Transportation Research Part E
  8. International Journal of Logistics Management
  9. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics
  10. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management  (IJASM)
  11. International Journal of Logistics: Research and Application
  12. Systems Research and Behavioral Science
  13. OR Spectrum
  14. Research in Transportation Economics
  15. Omega
  16. Transport Policy
  17. European Management Journal
  18. Naval Research Logistics
  19. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal
  20. Maritime Policy and Management
  21. International Journal of Automation and Computing
  22. Risk Analysis
  23. Annals of Operations Research
  24. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science
  25. Journal of Transport Geography
  26. Computers and Operations Research
  27. Technological Forecasting & Social Change
  28. Transportmetrica A
  29. Transportmetrica B
  30. International Journal of Production Research
  31. Computers and Industrial Engineering
  32. Cogent Business and Management
  33. Technological Forecasting and Social Change
  34. IIE Transactions

Act as referees for book proposals 

  1. Palgrave
  2. Routledge 

    Act as referees for research councils

    1. EPSRC
    2. ESRC
    3. Romanian National Research Council
    4. National Natural Science Foundation of China



    Present and past modules

    1. Modern Logistics Technology
    2. Data Structure in C
    3. Personal Development Skills
    4. Integrating Activities in Shipping Industry
    5. Academic & Professional Development
    6. Project Preparation & Commercial Project
    7. Logistics & Distribution Planning
    8. Research Methods
    9. Project Management
    10. Distribution & Warehouse Management
    11. Inventory & Transportation Management( PT & FT)
    12. Supply Chain Planning & Control
    13. Global Logistics & Supply Chain Management
    14. Operations Management
    15. Supply Chain and Logistics Modelling and Control
    16. Optimisation Models for Supply Chain and Operations Management
