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Mathematics MPhil, PhD

In Pure Mathematics our two main fields are functional analysis and geometric algebra. In Applied Mathematics our research is predominantly in fluid mechanics, astrophysics and cosmology.

You are currently viewing course information for entry year:

Start date(s):

  • September 2025
  • January 2026
  • April 2026


We invite MPhil and PhD proposals in any of our research areas.

As a research postgraduate in the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics you'll work under the supervision of an expert in your chosen field.

Within each field of Pure Mathematics there are multiple subgroups. In analysis, one subgroup concentrates on operator theory and function theory, the other on Banach algebras, cohomology and modules. In algebra there are subgroups devoted to the study of infinite groups, and finite classical groups and their geometries.

Our Applied Mathematics staff have research interests in:

  • astrophysical and geophysical fluid dynamics
  • quantum matter
  • mathematical biology and archaeology
  • cosmology and quantum gravity

To help you identify a topic and potential supervisor, we encourage you to find out more about our staff specialisms.

Lists of example projects in Pure and Applied Mathematics are also available.

We run research seminars in algebra and geometries, analysis, and applied mathematics. Our postgraduate students also get the opportunity to lead seminars.

Specialist courses are offered through the MAGIC distance learning consortium, sponsored in part by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).

We're part of:


Important information

We've highlighted important information about your course. Please take note of any deadlines.

Qualifications explained

Find out about the different qualification options for this course.

How you'll learn

Your development

Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering (SAgE) researcher development programme

Each faculty offers a researcher development programme for its postgraduate research students. We have designed your programme to help you:

  • perform better as a researcher
  • boost your career prospects
  • broaden your impact

Through workshops and activities, it will build your transferable skills and increase your confidence.

You’ll cover:

  • techniques for effective research
  • methods for better collaborative working
  • essential professional standards and requirements

Your programme is flexible. You can adapt it to meet your changing needs as you progress through your doctorate.

Doctoral training and partnerships

There are opportunities to undertake your PhD at Newcastle within a:

  • Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT)
  • Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP)

Being part of a CDT or DTP has many benefits:

  • they combine research expertise and training of a number of leading universities, academic schools and academics.
  • you’ll study alongside a cohort of other PhD students
  • they’re often interdisciplinary
  • your PhD may be funded

If there are currently opportunities available in your subject area you’ll find them when you search for funding in the fees and funding section on this course.

The following centres/partnerships below may have PhD opportunities available in your subject area in the future:

Your future

Our Careers Service

Our award-winning Careers Service is one of the largest and best in the country, and we have strong links with employers. We provide an extensive range of opportunities to all students through our ncl+ initiative.

Visit our Careers Service website

Quality and ranking

All professional accreditations are reviewed regularly by their professional body

Fees and funding

Tuition fees for 2025 entry (per year)

What you're paying for

Tuition fees include the costs of:

  • matriculation
  • registration
  • tuition (or supervision)
  • library access
  • examination
  • re-examination
  • graduation

Find out more about:

Search for funding

Find funding available for your course

Entry requirements

The entrance requirements below apply to 2025 entry.

Qualifications from outside the UK

English Language requirements

Admissions policy

This policy applies to all undergraduate and postgraduate admissions at Newcastle University. It is intended to provide information about our admissions policies and procedures to applicants and potential applicants, to their advisors and family members, and to staff of the University.

University Admissions Policy and related policies and procedures

Credit transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) can allow you to convert existing relevant university-level knowledge, skills and experience into credits towards a qualification. Find out more about the RPL policy which may apply to this course

How to apply

Using the application portal

The application portal has instructions to guide you through your application. It will tell you what documents you need and how to upload them.

You can choose to start your application, save your details and come back to complete it later.


If you’re ready, you can select Apply Online and you’ll be taken directly to the application portal.

Alternatively you can find out more about applying on our applications and offers pages.

Apply Online  

Open days and events

Find out about how you can visit Newcastle in person and virtually

Overseas events

We regularly travel overseas to meet with students interested in studying at Newcastle University.

Visit our events calendar for the latest events

Get in touch

Questions about this course?

If you have specific questions about this course you can contact:

Postgraduate Secretary
Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 6960
School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics


For more general enquiries you could also complete our online enquiry form.

Fill in our enquiry form

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