ARC8069 : Housing Alternatives
- Offered for Year: 2024/25
- Module Leader(s): Dr Natalia Villamizar Duarte
- Lecturer: Dr Julia Heslop
- Owning School: Architecture, Planning & Landscape
- Teaching Location: Newcastle City Campus
Your programme is made up of credits, the total differs on programme to programme.
Semester 2 Credit Value: | 40 |
ECTS Credits: | 20.0 |
European Credit Transfer System |
•To develop an understanding of the design parameters of neighborhood development in context, around housing need, community facilities and viability
•To improve the understanding of the nature and processes of urban residential development and design
•To appreciate and incorporate principles of sustainable development into the design of new and existing existing residential/mixed areas
•To understand the masterplanning process and the use of design coding for larger sites
Outline Of Syllabus
The project is studio-based and kicks off with a site visit for students to familiarise themselves with the site/s (there may be a choice of site). Students work in pairs for part of the project and individually for other parts. The module also involves Blog writing to reflect on specific themes within the module. There is also an organized field trip to selected case studies. The module is structured around a series of presentations reflecting design stages, taking students through the design process of site analysis, concept development, and options, to finalised masterplan, detail area and elements of a design code around a variety of themes to do with alternative models of housing. Students present their work in boards and/or PowerPoint. They are also assessed around Blog posts. In the interim weeks students attend individual tutorials, with a variety of tutors.
The project is also supported by a series of short lectures on topics relevant to alternative housing models.
Teaching Methods
Teaching Activities
Category | Activity | Number | Length | Student Hours | Comment |
Guided Independent Study | Assessment preparation and completion | 5 | 6:00 | 30:00 | Blog research and writing [a total of 5 written pieces 2 Blog Posts, 2 Comments and 1 reflexive summary are required for submission] |
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities | Small group teaching | 8 | 6:00 | 48:00 | Group and individual design tutorial - present in person |
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities | Small group teaching | 2 | 8:00 | 16:00 | Design reviews - present in person |
Guided Independent Study | Project work | 1 | 266:00 | 266:00 | Research and design development |
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities | Workshops | 5 | 2:00 | 10:00 | Blog writing: guidance and feedback workshop - present in person |
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities | Fieldwork | 1 | 8:00 | 8:00 | Precedent site visit |
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities | Fieldwork | 1 | 4:00 | 4:00 | Project site visit - present in person |
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities | Module talk | 7 | 2:00 | 14:00 | Talk/lecture introducing topics relevant to the development of the project - present in person |
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities | Module talk | 1 | 4:00 | 4:00 | Module introduction - present in person |
Total | 400:00 |
Teaching Rationale And Relationship
The project is organized around a series of studio based tutorials which guide students in the development of their urban design skills. A number of interim presentations which are summatively assessed help students reach milestones in the project and also obtain comprehensive feedback from experts. Learning is also assisted by appropriate literature, field trips (experiential) and the development of reflexivity through the blog activities. There are a number of supportive lectures supporting students in their learning along the way and also thematic workshops on aspects of scheme development (development appraisal and co-design).
Assessment Methods
The format of resits will be determined by the Board of Examiners
Other Assessment
Description | Semester | When Set | Percentage | Comment |
Design/Creative proj | 2 | M | 30 | Interim review |
Design/Creative proj | 2 | M | 60 | Final review |
Computer assessment | 2 | M | 10 | Blog- 2 posts and 2 comments minimum, 1 reflexive summary |
Assessment Rationale And Relationship
The breakdown of assessment in stages reflects the real stages of a project, retains the students’ motivation and helps them with milestones, whilst providing them with more opportunities to develop confidence and sharpen their graphic skills, presentation skills and working to deadlines. Some of the tasks are only formatively assessed. Peer assessment develops their critical faculty and allows them to learn experientially through owning part of their assessment experience.
The blog offers a different opportunity to engage with learning in the form of research skills. Students will be encouraged to explore multimedia and other alternative formats to communicate critical reflections and arguments. The blog assessment is a core component of the module. Should a student fail the blog component at the first attempt, they have the right to resit to pass the module.
Group work will be marked in accordance with the Group Work Policy.
Reading Lists
- Timetable Website:
- ARC8069's Timetable