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CSC8404 : Advanced Programming in Java

  • Offered for Year: 2025/26
  • Module Leader(s): Dr Fedor Shmarov
  • Lecturer: Dr Ellis Solaiman
  • Owning School: Computing
  • Teaching Location: Newcastle City Campus

Your programme is made up of credits, the total differs on programme to programme.

Semester 1 Credit Value: 10
ECTS Credits: 5.0
European Credit Transfer System


The module aims to develop advanced skills in object-oriented design and in the practical use of Java.
It covers various aspects of sound object-oriented design and practice in Java, using practical exercises to illustrate design principles. It gives an introduction to frequently used libraries and contemporary software development tools to aid the programmer in the building and testing applications.

Outline Of Syllabus

1. The Java Object Model
2. Programming for low coupling and implementation independence including interface-based hierarchies, object factories and composition.
3. Safer programming - information hiding, defensive copying and immutability
4. Introduction to distributed programming with Java RMI
5. Java Software Development Tools including an IDE and the JUnit test framework.

Teaching Methods

Teaching Activities
Category Activity Number Length Student Hours Comment
Scheduled Learning And Teaching ActivitiesLecture31:003:00Guest Talk (in person).
Structured Guided LearningLecture materials122:0024:00Recorded videos of learning materials introducing concepts and introducing practical work.
Scheduled Learning And Teaching ActivitiesPractical111:0011:00Practicals (in person) - 11 x 1 hour practical sessions in the lab.
Guided Independent StudySkills practice22:004:002 x quizzes with feedback on student understanding of essential concepts. Formative exercise.
Guided Independent StudyProject work152:0030:00Coursework.
Guided Independent StudyIndependent study251:0025:00Background reading.
Scheduled Learning And Teaching ActivitiesScheduled on-line contact time31:003:00Online synchronous discussions.
Teaching Rationale And Relationship

Video recordings and lectures will be used to introduce the learning material and for demonstrating the key concepts by example. Synchronous online lecture sessions will be used to discuss learning materials and for Q&A. Students are expected to follow-up lectures within a few days by re-reading and annotating lecture notes to aid deep learning.

This is a very practical subject, and it is important that the learning materials are supported by hands-on opportunities provided by lab practical classes. Students are expected to spend time on coursework outside timetabled practical classes.

Students aiming for 1st class marks are expected to widen their knowledge beyond the content of lecture notes through background reading.

Assessment Methods

The format of resits will be determined by the Board of Examiners

Other Assessment
Description Semester When Set Percentage Comment
Practical/lab report1M1001 programming exercise.
Formative Assessments

Formative Assessment is an assessment which develops your skills in being assessed, allows for you to receive feedback, and prepares you for being assessed. However, it does not count to your final mark.

Description Semester When Set Comment
Computer assessment1M2 x quizzes with feedback on student understanding of essential concepts.
Assessment Rationale And Relationship

The coursework weighting (100%) reflects the importance of practical aspects of this module.

Reading Lists
