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MCD8101 : Foundation Clinical Skills in Restorative Dentistry

  • Offered for Year: 2025/26
  • Module Leader(s): Professor Giles McCracken
  • Lecturer: Dr Richard Holliday, Mr Paul Myers, Professor John Whitworth
  • Owning School: Dental Sciences
  • Teaching Location: Newcastle City Campus

Your programme is made up of credits, the total differs on programme to programme.

ECTS Credits: 0.0
European Credit Transfer System


The aim of this clinical training module is to equip students with the skills, applied knowledge and understanding to deliver high quality fundamental restorative dental care to patients to underpin their progression in years 2 and 3 to specialist level Endodontic/Periodontic/Prosthodontic clinical care to patients.

Outline Of Syllabus

The 600-hour MCD8101 clinical training module is delivered in continuity with MCD8102/5 (Endodontics) or MCD8103/6 (Periodontics) or MCD8104/7 (Prosthodontics), with students delivering clinical care to patients as required. Specifically related to this module the following areas, through clinical experience (direct patient management, observations), personal reflection and case review sessions aim to develop knowledge and understanding of:

- fundamental restorative dentistry underpinning their chosen specialty of endodontics/periodontics/prosthodontics.

- clinical skills required for specialist practice in fundamental restorative dentistry with an emphasis on practical skills, treatment planning, disease prevention, and provision of specialist care in either primary or secondary care settings.

- technical and clinical skills in fundamental restorative dentistry to undertake treatment planning, disease prevention, and provision of specialist care in either primary or secondary care settings.

- attitudes necessary for the achievement and delivery fundamental restorative care, in relation to the oral health needs of populations, the needs of patients under treatment and to his or her own personal development.

- skills to collect relevant clinical information (biological, technical, psychological, social) from patients’ history, examination and special tests and to integrate and analyse it to identify the nature of their problem, where necessary using differential and provisional lists, with further investigation and analysis to make a definitive diagnosis of the problem(s).

- available and emerging treatment options in order to discuss with patients and make an appropriate choice (if necessary, in conjunction with other specialists) and to formulate an overall integrated plan of management for each patient.

- skills to systematically plan the management of a clinical problem and those necessary to deliver the management.

- skills to communicate effectively and professionally with referring clinicians, in order to coordinate the efficient delivery of care.

- research supporting fundamental restorative dental care to critically assess classical or new research work.

- their ability and motivation to maintain the responsibilities related to continuing professional development and using a life-long learning philosophy.

- skills to practice the management of clinic governance issues.

- attitudes and ethical and societal issues and the place of their speciality in the overall healthcare spectrum.

- skills maintaining the standards of practice in dentistry as determined by the GDC.

Teaching Methods

Teaching Activities
Category Activity Number Length Student Hours Comment
Placement/Study AbroadClinical Training6001:00600:00PiP placement in specialty clinics
Teaching Rationale And Relationship

The teaching on this clinical training module will be delivered as clinical sessions and associated preparation, reflection, work-based assessments and case-based presentation and review.

This maps to IKOs 1-8 and ISOs 1-21.

Assessment Methods

The format of resits will be determined by the Board of Examiners

Other Assessment
Description Semester When Set Percentage Comment
Portfolio3M100Zero weighted pass/fail Portfolio of clinical evidence.
Formative Assessments

Formative Assessment is an assessment which develops your skills in being assessed, allows for you to receive feedback, and prepares you for being assessed. However, it does not count to your final mark.

Description Semester When Set Comment
Observ of prof pract2MClinical activity will be recorded to capture reflection and feedback on development of skills in a clinical portfolio.
Observ of prof pract3MClinical activity will be recorded to capture reflection and feedback on development of skills in a clinical portfolio.
Assessment Rationale And Relationship

This clinical training module is non-credit bearing, however it is a compulsory part of the programme which must be passed. Students must satisfactorily complete the required clinical hours and requirements of the portfolio assessment to pass the module.

The Portfolio assessment in this programme is designed to be in line with NHS Speciality Training processes as published by COPDEND. Students will map their clinical experience, reflection, work based assessment, multi-source feedback to demonstrate where learning outcomes have been achieved. This mapping will be reviewed at the ARCP (Annual Review of Competency Progression) to determine satisfactory progression through these outcomes prior to progression onto MCD8102/3/4 and MCD8105/6/7.

At the end of the first year students will be expected to have achieved all the outcomes in MCD8101. In order to pass the module students must successfully complete a minimum amount of clinical hours, meet the required standard of clinical training and achieve satisfactory demonstration of simulator-based skills as judged by the ARCP clinical specialty panel based on the portfolio evidence presented.

Students will be formatively assessed at every patient event with feedback and grades being discussed after the clinical event and grades recorded in iDentity that are aligned to grading descriptors held in the clinical handbook.

Students who fail the module will not be offered a resit opportunity and will be unable to continue their clinical training.

Further detail is provided in the programme regulations and handbook.

Reading Lists
