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PSY8086 : Values, Diversity and Context

  • Offered for Year: 2024/25
  • Module Leader(s): Miss Aisling O'Connor
  • Lecturer: Mrs Ashley Cave, Miss Laura Stevenson-Young, Miss Zoe Lambert
  • Owning School: Psychology
  • Teaching Location: Newcastle City Campus

Your programme is made up of credits, the total differs on programme to programme.

Semester 2 Credit Value: 15
Semester 3 Credit Value: 5
ECTS Credits: 10.0
European Credit Transfer System


Trainees operate at all times from an inclusive values base which promotes recovery and recognises and respects diversity. Trainees must respect and value individual differences in age, sexuality, disability, gender, spirituality, race and culture. The module aims to help trainees understand equality and diversity in a broader sense in that individuals can also experience disadvantage due to a wide range of factors, including geographic location, educational opportunities, and economic factors for example.

The module aims to develop professional practice that commits to equal opportunities for all, including an awareness of the power issues in professional- patient relationships and take steps in their clinical practice to reduce any potential for negative impact this may have.

The module will equip trainees with the knowledge and understanding of operating in a stepped care, high-volume environment. It will help them manage high caseloads, operate safely and to high standards of care and use supervision to aid their clinical decision-making.

In addition, the module aims to offer understanding of social inclusion – including return to work and meaningful activity or other occupational activities – as well as clinical improvement. This will include knowledge of statutory, community and third sector agencies.

Skills teaching will develop trainees clinical management, liaison and decision-making competencies in the delivery of support to patients, particularly where people require intervention or advice outside the core low-intensity evidence-based interventions taught in Module 2.

Outline Of Syllabus

•       The stepped healthcare model and interventions utilised at different steps
•       Introduction to the diversity module on the programme - Impact of values (service user’s and therapist’s) upon mental health difficulties and interventions
•       The impact of society upon mental health difficulties, social class and poverty
•       Employment and mental health / social inclusion
• Development and operation of non-discriminatory and anti-racist practice
• Impact of diversity on practice and associated accommodation (e.g., through use of translation services)
•       Long term physical health conditions, mental health and low intensity therapy
•       Working with perinatal clients, common mental health and low intensity therapy
•       Working with LGBTQ+ clients, mental health and low intensity therapy
•       Working with neurodiversity, mental health and low intensity therapy
•       Working with forensic clients, implications and low intensity therapy adaptations
• Impact of the power relationship upon therapeutic contact and associated accommodation associated with this (e.g., collaborative strategies)
• Clinical case management skills.
• Use of supervision in the implementation of therapeutic approaches, understanding and acting within the limits of personal competence.
• Skills and competencies associated with networking/working collaboratively with other agencies.
• Mapping, understanding and critically appraising the matrix of other agencies including community, statutory and voluntary service provision.

Teaching Methods

Teaching Activities
Category Activity Number Length Student Hours Comment
Placement/Study AbroadEmployer-based learning234:0092:00Paid employment via clinical placement 3 days per week, recorded in clinical contact hours
Guided Independent StudyAssessment preparation and completion14:004:00Formative Tutor-Observed Oral presentation and feedback
Scheduled Learning And Teaching ActivitiesLecture106:0060:00Didactic and interactive segments of theoretical based learning Skill development through roleplays Present in person small group teaching in seminars
Structured Guided LearningStructured research and reading activities54:0020:00Practice based learning days to support integration from theory to clinical practice, aligned with module content
Guided Independent StudyIndependent study46:0024:00Study days given by employer, in line with IAPT manual and curriculum
Teaching Rationale And Relationship

•       Didactic lecture segments establish a learning framework for the theoretical components of the module and the learning outcomes
•       Small group work within workshop segments enable role play practice of the relevant clinical topics, to enable trainees to practice and develop their clinical skills for clinically treating NHS patients. This ensures clinical skill develops within the learning outcomes. Seminars allow the real world application of theory learned in didactic lectures to be applied to clinical practice/patients.
•       Structured guided learning enable trainees to expand on theoretical knowledge of the lecture/workshop content, and translate this theory to clinical practice where relevant. This supports the application of theory to practice and advances knowledge and competence of the learning outcomes.
•       The placement ensures theory is embedded in clinical practice, which clinical competence advancing throughout the module with the support of on-going supervision provided through the placement

The total hours of the module exceeds 200 due to the nature of the programme of study. Students are employed full time by their NHS employer (37.5 hours FTE). 0.4 FTE of the working week is spent at the education institution and is detailed within the teaching activities, and 0.6 FTE is with the employer to full fill their employment contract. Their salary reflects the working hours of a full time employee on a clinical training contract

Assessment Methods

The format of resits will be determined by the Board of Examiners

Other Assessment
Description Semester When Set Percentage Comment
Essay2M100A 2500-word reflective essay based on the use of supervision for a client within clinical placement. This assessment must be passed in order to pass the module.
Zero Weighted Pass/Fail Assessments
Description When Set Comment
PortfolioMThe deadline submission of this is following the end of module 3, to ensure trainees have sufficient time on their placement to evidence the practice outcomes. This will further entail all required documentation required to fulfil the accreditation and NH
Oral PresentationMPlanning scenario/presentation focused on module learning outcomes PIP: 15mins (20 max) Presentation plus 5 mins Q&A. This would also include a transcript of part of a session to demonstrate how they have adapted sessions. This assessment must be passed.
Formative Assessments

Formative Assessment is an assessment which develops your skills in being assessed, allows for you to receive feedback, and prepares you for being assessed. However, it does not count to your final mark.

Description Semester When Set Comment
Oral Presentation2MPresent in person formative diversity presentation. This allows feedback to be given ahead of the summative presentation
Assessment Rationale And Relationship

All assessment components must be passed independently.

The essay is reflective in nature. This assesses abilities linked to structuring, consolidating and presenting clinical material as well as academic content. It also assesses the students’ ability to reflect on their clinical use of theoretical concepts pertaining to the module.

Trainees will deliver a 20-minute presentation, based on the assessment and treatment plan linked to a diverse case
that has been a part of their caseload on placement. This will assess the skills outcomes linked to the module through a description of relevant clinical practice. It also assesses the trainees’ ability to perform an oral presentation tailored appropriately to an audience (which is part of the qualified PWP role).

The formative assessment is a rehearsal for the diversity presentation with trainees receiving qualitative feedback from programme staff prior to the summative assessments.

The portfolio allows for all skills outcomes to be assessed, and evidences whether the embedding of skills within the placement has occurred. The portfolio further enables the theoretical knowledge gained during the practice-based learning days to be evidenced and assessed.

In order to pass the module, trainees must pass all assessment components. In order to pass the placement within
the module, the practice-based outcomes set by NHS England must be evidenced in a practice portfolio, which
demonstrates the programmes content has been embedded in clinical practice. This includes assessment of clinical
competencies by clinical supervisors. Each practice portfolio must be passed. The clinical hours obtained on the
placement component of the module contributes to the required total of 80 hours on placement across the

Reading Lists
