Example Documents
Each project is different and so the documentation required for different projects is different too. Below you will find some examples of study documentation, which you may use as a guide when producing your own.
General Tips
- Use simple words and sentences.
- Ensure the information is easy to follow - consider how you format the text and whether to use flowcharts/diagrams.
- Ask rather than demand.
- Avoid using jargon.
- Use the active (not passive) voice, e.g. 'We invite you...' instead of 'You are invited to...'
- Tailor your material to the audience, e.g. consent forms for preschool children will be different to those for young adults.
- For guidance on writing a good lay summary, see VoiceNorth's short video: Bitesize Training - How to Write a Good Lay Summary.
Ethics application forms
At Newcastle University, researchers must complete an ethics application form, before any research commences, either by:
- completing the University Online Ethics Form or
- by completing the HRA IRAS form (if NHS/HSC Research Ethics Committee approval required)*
*Note, if you are unsure whether your study requires NHS/HSC REC approval, you should complete the University Online Ethics Form first, which will notify you accordingly if NHS/HSC REC approval is needed.
Ethics application forms will ask the researcher for key information about the research project, including:
- Principal Investigator contact details
- Project description
- Proposed project start and end dates
- Details of the risks associated with the research
- Proposed measures to prevent/minimise the risks
- Additional details, as applicable
The information provided should be written for a lay audience, and supporting documentation should be attached with the application form (e.g. information sheets, consent forms, data management plans and other relevant research materials, including for example research questionnaires, recruitment materials).
Below are examples of ethics application forms:
1. Example-document-cyber-bullying [PDF: 122KB]
2. Example-document-student-consent [WORD: 50KB]
3. Example-ethics-foodnutrition [PDF: 496KB]
4. Example-document-sexualhealth [PDF: 201KB]
Participant information sheets
The Participant Information Sheet (PIS) provides participants with sufficient information about the research study to allow them to make an appropriate (fully informed) decision about taking part. For further information, please see the Human Participation - Informing Participants section.
Example document information sheet (Word: 64KB)
Consent forms
On receiving the information about the research study (typically through a Participant Information Sheet), the participant should be allowed time to consider whether or not to take part. If they wish to take part, typically participants will sign a Consent Form.
For further information, please refer to the section on Human Participation - Acquiring Voluntary Consent and the University's Informed Consent Guidelines (PDF 270KB)
The University has also developed an Example consent form (PDF 418KB) that can be downloaded and adapted to the research project.
Data management plans
A research data management plan outlines how a researcher will collect, use and store data, during and after the research study.
For further information, please see the Data - Governance considerations for research data.
DMPOnline provides access to example Data Management Plans. The online tool can also be used to develop Data Management Plans that meet different funder requirements.
Further guidance is available through the University's Research Data Service (RDS).
Privacy notice
A Privacy Notice sets out how personal information will be processed in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Participants in a research project should be provided with a Privacy Notice alongside a Participant Information Sheet (PIS), and have the opportunity to ask questions before they sign a Consent Form.
To support researchers, the University has created a template form that can be downloaded and adapted to the project:
Changes clause
If you wish to recommend any changes to the information above, or have any example documents that may help other researchers, please contact res.policy@ncl.ac.uk.