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External Ethical Approval

Research sponsor

Newcastle University will only review research for which Newcastle University is the research sponsor.

However, there are exceptions, including for example:

  • research undertaken by other organisations acting as sub-contractors, rather than collaborators
  • research sponsored by an external organisation that operates in a different regulatory environment

Where a researcher is unsure whether or not to apply to Newcastle University for ethical approval, they should contact for advice.

Where Newcastle University is the research sponsor, Newcastle University may accept ethical approvals granted by external reviewers, if all of the following are met:

  • the external review meets Newcastle University's ethics and governance standards

Newcastle University must be sure that the ethical review has been conducted by a credible reviewer, who adheres to similar ethical standards, in a similar legislative environment. For example, Newcastle University will often accept ethical approvals granted by other UK Higher Education Institutions' Research Ethics Committees and by the NHS/HSC Research Ethics Committees. 

  • the scope of the external review is consistent with Newcastle University's ethics policy

The external review should follow similar ethical and governance standards, but additionally should cover an equally broad range of ethical issues, as those specified in Newcastle University's ethics policy.

  • the Faculty Ethics Representative agrees to accept the existing approval in lieu of a new Newcastle University ethics application*

Researchers should contact their Faculty Ethics Representative to confirm whether or not they will accept the existing external approval, in place of a Newcastle University ethics approval.

If you wish to recommend any changes to the information above, please contact: