Research Integrity
The Concordat to Support Research Integrity defines research integrity as a set of individual and collective behaviours that define good research practice:
- Honesty in all aspects of research including gathering data, reporting findings and acknowledging the work of others.
- Rigour in using appropriate research methods in line with prevailing disciplinary norms and standards, adhering to an agreed protocol, drawing interpretations from the research and communicating the results.
- Transparency and open communication in declaring potential competing interests, the analysis and interpretation of data and making research findings widely available.
- Care and respect for all research subjects, users and beneficiaries; including humans, animals, the environment and cultural objects. Those engaged with research must also show care and respect for the integrity of the research record.
- Accountability of funders, employers and researchers to collectively create a positive and inclusive research environment.
Annual statements
As a signatory of the Concordat, we publish an annual statement on our activities:
- Annual Statement 2023-24 [PDF: 248KB]
- Annual statement 2022-23 [PDF: 270KB]
- Annual statement 2021-22 [PDF: 295KB]
- Annual statement 2020-21 [PDF: 153KB]
- Annual statement 2019-20 [PDF: 161KB]
- Annual statement 2018-19 [PDF: 126KB]
As part of the University's onboarding process, all new academic colleagues are provided with information about our commitment to the Concordat and the expectations of researchers.
Code of good practice in research
Newcastle University is committed to rigorous high standards in our research activities and ensuring that ethical, legal and professional obligations are met. Expectations for all colleagues and students are set out in the University’s Code of good practice in research.
The University promotes research integrity via a wide range of activities including:
- research integrity and ethics training
- research methods and skills training
- Faculty Postgraduate Researcher Development Programmes
- Principle Investigator Development Programme
- leadership and management training
- access to resources through institutional membership of the UK Research Integrity Office (UKRIO) and UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN)
Authorship guidelines
The University has produced the following tools to support good practice in assigning authorship and giving credit for intellectual work:
- Attribution of authorship guidelines [PDF: 151KB]
- Publication and authorship agreement - template form that can be adapted to create a formal record of what has been agreed.
- Guidance on raising concerns over authorship practices
UK research integrity office
University colleagues and students can access further information and resources on research integrity as well as a number of resources via the UK Research Integrity Office (UKRIO). Find further information about the University’s institutional membership of UKRIO and the support available to researchers.
Professional guidelines
- Academy of Management – Code of ethics
- Arts Council – Guidance on meeting ethical and reputational challenges
- Association of Computing Machinery – Code of ethics and professional conduct
- Association of Internet Researchers – Ethical decision making and internet research
- British Educational Research Association – Ethical guidelines
- British Psychological Society – Code of ethics and conduct
- British Society of Criminology – Statement of ethics
- British Sociological Association – Statement of ethical practice
- ESRC - Framework for research ethics
- Market Research Society – Code of conduct
- MRC - Ethics and research guidance
- NC3Rs - ARRIVE guidelines
- Nuffield Council on Bioethics
- Oral History Society
- RESPECT Code of practice for socio-economic research
- Royal Academy of Engineering – Engineering
- Social Policy Association – Guidelines on research ethics
- Social Research Association – Research ethics guidance
- UK Policy Framework for Health and Social Care Research
- UUK guidance on security sensitive research
Contact us
The University Research and Innovation Committee has oversight of all matters relating to research integrity.
Pro Vice Chancellor for Research Strategy and Innovation, Professor Matthew Grenby is responsible for research integrity at Newcastle University.
For any enquiries contact the Research Integrity and Governance Manager.