Structural Reliability CPD
Analyse the reliability of structures and solve realistic problems.
Structural Reliability programme
Dates: November 2023
Venue: Newcastle University
About the programme
This module will give students an understanding of the principles of structural reliability. You will discover some advanced aspects of this field of study, as well as learning how to apply this knowledge by solving realistic problems.
You will:
- combine analysis, probabilistics, and statistics when presenting data
- learn about material, load and resistance properties
- apply different methods of reliability analysis, including Monte-Carlo and FORM
- analyse realistic structural reliability problems using structural mechanical principles
The course outline includes:
- review of probability theory
- statistical properties of structural materials, members and loads
- structural reliability assessment for components and systems
- integration and simulation methods
- second-moment and transformation methods
- codes and structural reliability
- software application
For further information
If you have any queries about our CPD programme please email