Wastewater Engineering CPD
Learn about the treatment of domestic and industrial wastewaters.
Wastewater Engineering programme
CPD programme
Dates: Week beginning 30 January 2023 (5 days)
Venue: Newcastle University
About the programme
This module forms part of the MSc Environmental Engineering programme.
It provides:
- a basic understanding of the design and operation of unit processes in the treatment of domestic and industrial wastewaters
- an understanding of biological principles and parameters
- an introduction to recent developments and more advanced techniques in biological wastewater treatment
- knowledge of the physical, chemical and biological principles in wastewater assessment and treatment
- basic analytical and the latest molecular microbial ecology skills through laboratory analysis of wastewater and sludge samples
You will learn:
- to select and design appropriate wastewater treatment unit processes
- to calculate design specifications for unit processes to treat wastewater to a particular standard
- a range of standard and modern wastewater laboratory analytical methods and their relevance to environmental regulations.
Professor Russell Davenport – Professor of Engineering for the Environment and Human Health
For further information
If you have any queries about our CPD programme please email llahub@ncl.ac.uk.