Newcastle University International Study Centre’s support staff are here to help you throughout your time in the UK. They can provide guidance and advice for personal, professional and academic issues, among other things.
Staff on the Newcastle University International Study Centre welcome desk are always on hand to help with support and advice. INTO offers you:
- an orientation programme on life in Newcastle to help you settle in
- 24-hour emergency telephone number
- language advisers who you can talk to in your native language
- residential assistants to help with residence problems
- visa and immigration workshops
- an active social programme to help you meet your peers
- dedicated disability support
Current students can find a full guide to all key information in the INTO Student Support Community in Canvas. Here you'll find guidance, links to policies, procedures, and where to go for help.
Improving your English
We have courses and support services to help improve your language skills. You can even access some of them before you arrive in the UK.
In-sessional English
When you have progressed onto your degree, you'll still receive support during your studies.
You can continue to develop your English via our In-sessional English team. You can attend up to 8 hours of support classes for free.
Newcastle University support
You will benefit from a range of services from Newcastle University while studying at Newcastle University International Study Centre, such as:
- the Language Resource Centre with free learning facilities and the opportunity to partner with a UK student as part of their Tandem Learning Scheme
- library service are available 24 hours a day
- group and individual study spaces
- e-learning facilities