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Meet Lukman

Mechanical and Systems Engineering PhD

I’m Lukman, a PhD student from Nigeria. When I was looking at universities, I found a supervisor at Newcastle University whose area of speciality completely matched mine. I messaged him straight away and he was very supportive of my research ideas, so I went ahead with my application.

My research is focused on tool condition monitoring in micro-milling. I knew I wanted to be somewhere I would be exposed to modern technological advancement in manufacturing engineering. I believed this dream could only be achieved by studying overseas at an institution like Newcastle University.

The application process needed time and commitment on my part, but it was always clear what I needed to do. I completed the application by myself, without the support of an agent, and I was delighted to get an offer.


Newcastle University really welcomes international students. It’s clear that the institution strongly values inclusion and diversity.

Supporting my research and beyond

I enjoy everything about my research work. It’s not always easy but every day I learn something new. As well as laboratories to perform my experiments, the University has given me so much support, including funds to support my research.

Student Services have given me so much help too, from advice on dealing with a dispute with my landlord to tips on finding student jobs at the University.

The social life within the University is great and I have so much fun. In the evenings, I enjoy hanging out with my friends. I am also part of the Black Engineering Network – it’s been great to meet people from my ethnic background and to share ideas.

Everything I need for success

The University has offered me all that I need to succeed in my research. After my PhD, I want to continue to work as an engineering lecturer which I have been doing for the last decade.

My supervisor has helped me learn a lot about modern trends in precision engineering. I’ve also been able to enhance my knowledge in data processing and programming, as well as having the privilege to use some very powerful machines and equipment.

In my opinion, Newcastle University has what students need to become knowledgeable and great in their chosen careers.

Mechanical Engineering equipment

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