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Partnerships for the Goals

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

17 Sustainable Development Goals are at the core of the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. They represent a blueprint for peace and prosperity that all its member states adopted in 2015.

Find out more about how Newcastle University is working towards these goals to help create a better and fairer world.

Goal 17

We strengthen our action towards the Sustainable Development Goals through:

  • research engagement
  • joining forces with fellow institutions

Our researchers have strong links to UN action planning.

We have signed the SDG Accord. This:

  • connects us to other signatory institutions
  • commits us to act on the Sustainable Development Goals

Research impact

Our researchers have links to UN representatives and drive action towards the UNSDGs.

Dr Graham Long and Dr Emily Clough have:

  • worked with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)
  • worked on the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on work towards the UNSDGs

Dr Graham Long was the:

  • Specialist Advisor to the UK Government International Development Committee’s review on the UK’s progress against the UNSDGs

Professor Philip McGowan (the Chair of the University’s SDG Committee) has:

  • presented on biodiversity targets to UN representatives.
  • worked with the Association of Commonwealth Universities to create the Higher Education and SDGs Network

Students' Union

Newcastle University’s Students’ Union (NUSU) has several services and activities that relate to the UNSDGs.

Students can increase biodiversity and resilience through volunteering opportunities and societies. NUSU provides health and well-being support to students through a variety of means.

SDG Accord

Newcastle University is a signatory of the SDG Accord. By signing, we show that we are a learning institution that is committed to delivering the UNSDGs.

An element of the SDG Accord is that each signatory must annually report on progress. The 2022 SDG Accord report has been published.