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Medicine and Surgery MB BS

  • UCAS code: A100
  • Full time
  • 5 years

This highly regarded medical programme will prepare you for a career as a compassionate and skilled practitioner - able to provide safe, individualised care based on a sound knowledge of health, disease and society.

You are currently viewing course information for entry year: 2025

Next start date:

  • September 2025

Tuition fees (Year 1)

  • Home: £9,535
  • International: £44500

Scholarships available

Entry requirements and offers

  • A-Level: AAA
  • IB: 36 points

UCAS Institution name and code:

  • NEWC / N21

2025 course information

Our admissions process has changed for 2025 entry. You can find out more about the changes made in our Medicine and Surgery MS BS admissions policy for 2025.

Course overview

Our MB BS programme uses a modern and innovative integrated case-led teaching approach, and you'll be taught in a vibrant learning environment.

This course will prepare you to work as a doctor anywhere in the world, in both the clinical and academic arena.

Programme structure

Years 1 and 2

In Years 1 and 2 you'll study key subject areas including medical sciences, clinical skills, ethics and professionalism. You'll be based primarily on campus in Newcastle with frequent visits to hospitals and general practices around the regional medical school. You'll cover a series of twenty-four clinical cases to put your learning into context and provide you with the essentials of medical practice.

Years 3 to 5

In years 3 to 5 you'll gain clinical experience through placements in our clinical base units across the region. You'll undergo a series of rotations, clerkships, assistantships and placements that cover all relevant areas of medicine and surgery. We'll place further emphasis on professional development, student choice, and hospital- and community-based medicine. This develops your specialist knowledge, skills and professional behaviour, preparing you for your future career as a doctor.

Throughout the final three years of the programme, there will be opportunities for student choice. This includes two four-week student selected components and an eight-week elective.

Teaching methods

At Newcastle you'll receive case-led teaching, which means using clinical cases to help you make the links between your new knowledge and clinical practice. For example a case of stroke can be used to learn and teach the nervous system, cardiovascular system, clinical skills, pharmacology, Public Health and communication skills.

Elective placement

At the end of Year 4 you undertake an eight-week elective placement. This gives you the opportunity to study medicine, either at home or abroad and gain hands-on experience of a different healthcare system.

Skills and experience

Research skills

We’re a Centre of Excellence in translational (so-called ‘bench-to-bedside’) research.

This means teaching on our programme is research led. Strong links with our research teams mean there are many opportunities for students to spend time in research labs and facilities as part of short projects or as part of intercalation onto a master's degree.

Professional skills

To prepare you for your future profession we'll help you develop the key skills of communication, information handling, reasoning, judgement, reflective practice and decision-making.

You will be prepared for ongoing professional development and, through this, you will be able to adapt to future developments in medicine.

Clinical skills

With our integrated case led teaching approach you will meet patients and learn the relevant clinical skills from the very beginning of our programme. Our regional medical school provides cutting-edge teaching facilities combined with a diverse population and environment for you to develop into a doctor of the future.


Your course and study experience - disclaimers and terms and conditions  
Please rest assured we make all reasonable efforts to provide you with the programmes, services and facilities described. However, it may be necessary to make changes due to significant disruption, for example in response to Covid-19.

View our Academic experience page, which gives information about your Newcastle University study experience for the academic year 2024-25.

See our terms and conditions and student complaints information, which gives details of circumstances that may lead to changes to programmes, modules or University services.

Quality and ranking

Professional accreditation and recognition

All professional accreditations are reviewed regularly by their professional body.


Malaysia exchange

During Year 2 there is an opportunity to spend a semester at our branch campus in Malaysia.

Intercalated study

Our medical students have the opportunity to enrich their personal and professional development further by taking time out of their medical studies to pursue an intercalated degree.

Intercalation provides an opportunity to study a subject that interests and excites you as well as develop new perspectives on healthcare delivery, research and education.

We offer a broad range of Biomedical Science BSc degrees and Masters degrees that cover all aspects of medical practice.

We encourage you to develop skills that will be useful throughout your future career and offer options to undertake your own research project.

Newcastle is recognised as a leader in a number of areas of research including ageing research and applied stem cell biology.

We also have state-of-the-art facilities for clinical research, developed in partnership with NHS trusts.

Students who do not wish to take an additional year of study will still have opportunities to benefit from our research expertise through Student-Selected Components (SSCs) and the summer research scholarship scheme.

Facilities and environment


Our School is part of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, which is home to Dentistry, Biomedical Sciences, Psychology and Pharmacy, encouraging inter-professional collaboration.

Our Medical School is a Regional Medical School and has partnerships with the Northern Region NHS. It gives you access to excellent clinical training opportunities offered by the large patient population (3.5 million) and the region-wide infrastructure of acute hospitals and general practices.

By training in one of the largest integrated teaching and hospital complexes in the country you'll gain a true insight into your future profession.

You'll have access to: 


To help support your transition to university life, we offer a peer-mentoring scheme that partners all new students with a student from Year 2.

From the beginning of your first year you will be allocated an academic mentor who will support you throughout the programme.

Your future

After completing your University programme, you're currently eligible to apply for provisional registration with the General Medical Council GMC with a licence to practise, subject to demonstrating to the GMC that your fitness to practise is not impaired. However, the GMC are currently reviewing legislation and you should be aware this may be different in the future.

Currently, all UK medical graduates are required to complete a two-year Foundation Programme of general clinical training.

The majority of our students decide to apply to Foundation posts within the region. There are sufficient Foundation Programme places in the Northern Region for the majority of medical graduates.

International students are currently permitted to undertake the full Foundation Programme, ie the first two years following graduation, but you are normally required to return to your home country to complete further speciality training.

Once you have successfully completed the first year of the two year National Foundation Programme (FY1) and gained the certificate of experience you should gain full registration with the GMC. See GMC registration and National Examinations for further details. This is followed by a further year of generic training (F2). On successful completion of your second year, all doctors will have achieved the same basic competencies before going on to select their specialty of choice, either as a doctor in a hospital or as a GP.

All doctors, regardless of their speciality, must continue learning throughout their career, and our programme has been designed with this long-term aim in mind. 

Find out more about the career options for Medicine and Surgery from Prospects: The UK's Official Career Website. There is also helpful information available regarding careers in medicine and surgery within the North East.

Make a difference

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Careers support

We provide specialist careers advice from undergraduate level through to foundation training, to help you move confidently from student to doctor.

Our award-winning Careers Service is one of the largest and best in the country, and we have strong links with employers. We provide an extensive range of opportunities to all students through our ncl+ initiative.

Visit our Careers Service website

Recognition of professional qualifications outside of the UK

From 1 January 2021 there is an update to the way professional qualifications are recognised by countries outside of the UK

Additional information

Medical Licensing Agreement

The General Medical Council (GMC) has introduced a Medical Licensing Assessment (MLA) which will set a common threshold for safe practice. Doctors who wish to work in the UK will need to show that they meet that threshold before the GMC grants a licence to practise.

To register with a licence to practise, all students graduating from the academic year 2024-25 onwards from UK medical schools will need to have passed a medical degree programme that includes the MLA.

The Medical Licensing Assessment (MLA) will be a two-part assessment in the form of:

• an Applied Knowledge Test (AKT). This test will be the same for all UK students and international medical graduates. A GMC-appointed exam board will set each paper and the pass standard. For UK medical students, schools will set test dates. We will provide the test paper, to be delivered at the school. We will also deliver the test for international medical graduates. We'll do this at a number of locations worldwide, possibly using delivery partners. The intention is that this will be a computer-based test

• a Clinical and Professional Skills Assessment (CPSA). For UK medical students, universities already run assessments of clinical and professional skills. We will set requirements that these assessments need to meet. If the medical school's clinical assessment meets those requirements, students who pass it will have passed the CPSA element of the MLA.

NUMed Malaysia

Newcastle University has an overseas campus in Malaysia.

International students who are interested in studying at NUMed can visit NUMed Malaysia's website for more information.

The NUMed Malaysia MB BS undergraduate programme is equivalent to that delivered in the UK. It leads to the award of a Newcastle University MB BS (Bachelor of Medical Sciences) degree. The programme comes under the UK's General Medical Council's (GMC) robust approval and quality assurance framework.

Newcastle is the first UK university to develop an overseas campus offering full UK medical degrees in-country.

Find out more about NUMed Malaysia

Entry requirements

All candidates are considered on an individual basis and we accept a broad range of qualifications. The entrance requirements and offers below apply to 2025 entry. 

International Baccalaureate

Other UK and the Republic of Ireland qualifications

Contextual Offers

Through one of our contextual routes, you could receive an offer of up to three grades lower than the typical requirements.

What is a contextual offer? Find out more and if you’re eligible for this or our PARTNERS Programme supported entry route.

Qualifications from outside the UK

English Language requirements

Entrance courses (INTO)

International Pathway Courses are specialist programmes designed for international students who want to study in the UK. We provide a range of study options for international students in partnership with INTO. 

Find out more about International Pathway Courses

Admissions policy

This policy applies to all undergraduate and postgraduate admissions at Newcastle University. It is intended to provide information about our admissions policies and procedures to applicants and potential applicants, to their advisors and family members, and to staff of the University.

University Admissions Policy and related policies and procedures

Credit transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) can allow you to convert existing relevant university-level knowledge, skills and experience into credits towards a qualification. Find out more about the RPL policy which may apply to this course.

School of Medicine Admissions Policy

Please download and read the School of Medicine Admissions Policy (PDF: 406KB) to find out more about:

  • health assessment and disclosure
  • Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks
  • other academic achievements and admissions criteria

University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT)

All applicants applying to study the 5 year A100 programme or the 4 year A101 Medicine programme at Newcastle University will be required to take the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT).

The UCAT threshold may differ in each admissions cycle as it is dependent on the scores achieved by those applicants who apply to our Medical School in the current cycle.

For further information:

Age Requirements

Please note the age policy for the A100 programme requires students to turn 18 by the end of their first semester. If you have any questions about age requirements, please contact us before applying.


Tuition fees and scholarships

Tuition fees for academic year 2025-2026

See our ‘Home Fee Students’ and ‘International Fee Students’ information below for more information on tuition fee levels, fee status and inflationary fee increases.

Qualification: MB BS

Home students

full time 5 years

Tuition fees (Year 1)


International students

full time 5 years

Tuition fees (Year 1)


Year abroad and additional costs

For programmes where you can spend a year on a work placement or studying abroad, you will receive a significant fee reduction for that year. 

Some of our degrees involve additional costs which are not covered by your tuition fees.


Find out more about:

Open days and events

Applying to Medicine at Newcastle University

Find out how to apply as a home applicant.

Find out how to apply as an international applicant.

How to apply

Apply through UCAS

To apply for undergraduate study at Newcastle University, you must use the online application system managed by the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). All UK schools and colleges, and a small number of EU and international establishments, are registered with UCAS. You will need:

  • the UCAS name and institution codes for Newcastle University (NEWC/N21)
  • the UCAS code for the course you want to apply for
  • the UCAS 'buzzword' for your school or college

If you are applying independently, or are applying from a school or college which is not registered to manage applications, you will still use the Apply system. You will not need a buzzword.

Apply through UCAS

Apply through an agent

International students often apply to us through an agent. Have a look at our recommended agents and get in touch with them.

Visit our International pages

UCAS admissions procedure for medicine programmes

Please note:

  • you may apply for Year 1 entry to Newcastle University
  • you are permitted a maximum of four choices on the UCAS application form for medicine
  • the closing date for applications is 15 October 2024

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