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Architecture and Urban Planning BA Honours

  • UCAS code: K190
  • Full time
  • 3 years

Explore the world of architecture, urban design, landscape and urban planning, with a focus on people and climate. On our interdisciplinary degree you'll gain expertise in the field of your choice, whether architecture, urban design, urban planning, or landscape architecture.

You are currently viewing course information for entry year: 2025

Next start date:

  • September 2025

Tuition fees (Year 1)

  • Home: £9,535
  • International: £25600

Scholarships available

Entry requirements and offers

  • A-Level: ABB
  • IB: 32 points

UCAS Institution name and code:

  • NEWC / N21

Course overview

On our degree we'll help you find your career path in the built environment. Whether in architecture, urban design, planning, landscape or design related professions.  

You'll engage with the design processes involved in the production of the architecture, urban spaces and landscapes that shape our everyday life. 

You’ll also take inspiration from the work of innovative and radical designers and thinkers. Their approach encourages people to get involved in the design of their environment and address climate change. 

The programme includes modules spanning our research expertise in architecture, urban design, landscape, planning and participation in the built environment. 

There are also optional modules you can choose from in urban planning, sociology and geography. 

We offer accredited pathways in Architecture (accredited with the Architects Registration Board) or in Urban Design (accredited with the Royal Town Planning Institute) if you choose the required modules during your studies.

We also offer a route in Landscape Architecture which facilitates entry into a master programme (1 year) in Landscape Architecture (LI accredited), after a year out in Landscape practice.

Your course and study experience - disclaimers and terms and conditions  
Please rest assured we make all reasonable efforts to provide you with the programmes, services and facilities described. However, it may be necessary to make changes due to significant disruption, for example in response to Covid-19.

View our Academic experience page, which gives information about your Newcastle University study experience for the academic year 2024-25.

See our terms and conditions and student complaints information, which gives details of circumstances that may lead to changes to programmes, modules or University services.

Quality and ranking

Professional accreditation and recognition

All professional accreditations are reviewed regularly by their professional body.

Modules and learning


The information below is intended to provide an example of what you will study.

Most degrees are divided into stages. Each stage lasts for one academic year, and you'll complete modules totalling 120 credits by the end of each stage. 

Our teaching is informed by research. Course content may change periodically to reflect developments in the discipline, the requirements of external bodies and partners, and student feedback.

Optional module availability
Student demand for optional modules may affect availability.

Full details of the modules on offer will be published through the Programme Regulations and Specifications ahead of each academic year. This usually happens in May.

To find out more please see our terms and conditions

Stage 1 will provide you with an exciting introduction to the history of architecture and cities, architectural design and technology, and urban planning with a focus on people and climate. 

Through a varied series of design projects, workshops and visits, we'll introduce you to key design skills. You'll gain an understanding of scale and context and develop spatial imagination. You'll learn to communicate your ideas verbally and visually thanks to the varied input of design practitioners, artists and academics.

All modules in Stage 1 are compulsory and will invite you to explore the various fields that this programme offers.


Compulsory Modules Credits
Architectural and Planning Histories of the City 20
Planning Contexts 20
Architectural Design 1.1 40
Architectural Technology 1.1: Explorations in Making Architecture 10
Architectural Technology 1.2: Principles of Constructing Architecture 10
Introduction to Architecture 20

Stage 2 is where you choose the direction of your degree.  

If you want to choose one of the accredited pathways/routes at the end of Stage 2, you'll need to choose the group of three required modules:

  • Relational Mapping, Design and Representation
  • Living Communally and
  • Participation: Theories and Practices 

The design project in Relational Mapping will help you explore the scales of urban design and landscape through an ecological lens.

Living Communally focuses on the architectural design of sustainable co-housing.

The interdisciplinary module Participation provides an introduction to participation concepts and methods, as well as an opportunity to design a participation project working with/alongside a community group representative.  

 Or, you can opt to build your own degree; choosing from a wide range of modules across subjects and interests such as design, planning, geography and sociology. 


Compulsory Modules Credits
Alternative Practice: Theories and Practices 20
Visual and Creative Practice Research Skills 20
Optional Modules Credits
Living Communally 20
Relational Mapping, Design and Representation 40
Participation: Theories & Practice 20
Sociology of Health and Illness 20
Refugees and Displacement: Borders, Camps, and Asylum 20
Houses and Homes 20
Researching Local Economies 20
Understanding Cities 20
Digital Civics 20
Urban Infrastructures: A Lens on the City 20
Global Course on Institutional Design for Spatial Planning 20

Stage 3 is the culmination of the climate and socially engaged design practice ethos of the programme.  

At Stage 3 you'll undertake a dissertation on a topic related to your interest.  

This year offers a wide range of module options, from climate literacy to a live design project that allows you to put theory into practice by working with a local organisation or community group. 

If you studied the group of three required modules in Stage 2, you can now choose which of the accredited pathways/routes to pursue; Architecture, Urban Design or Landscape Architecture. 

Students taking the urban design pathway must opt for the approved modules during their studies, highlighted below: 

  • Green Infrastructure for Well-being and Biodiversity
  • Strategies into Action: Planning
  • Alternative Practice: Co-producing Space
  • Development Management 

Students taking the architecture pathway must opt for the approved modules during their studies, highlighted below: 

  • Green Infrastructure for Well-being and Biodiversity
  • Climate Literacy: Philosophies to Practice
  • Architectural Technology 2: Construction in Detail
  • Alternative Practice: Co-producing Space
  • Construction, Energy and Professional Practice 

Students interested in landscape architecture are advised to choose the following modules: 

  • Green Infrastructure for Well-being and Biodiversity
  • Climate Literacy: Philosophies to Practice
  • Landscape Architecture Studio 1: City as Landscape
  • Landscape Architecture Studio 2: Materiality of Landscape 


Compulsory Modules Credits
Dissertation in Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape 40
Optional Modules Credits
Alternative Practice: Co-producing Space 20
Chinese Cultural History and Urban Development 20
Green Infrastructure for Well-being and Biodiversity 20
Climate Literacy: Philosophies to Practice 10
Climate Literacy: From philosophies to practice 20
Landscape Architecture Studio 2: City as Landscape 20
Landscape Architecture Studio 2: Materiality of Landscape 20
Construction, Energy and Professional Practice 20
Architectural Technology 2: Construction in Detail 10
Enterprise and Entrepreneurship with Lean Innovation 20
Mapping the City 20
Career Development for final year students 20
Exploring city life: an introduction to contemporary urban anthropology and sociology 20
Strategies into Action: Planning 20
Development Management 20
Study Abroad 40

Teaching and assessment

Teaching methods

This programme provides a mix of studio design projects and traditional teaching. A typical week will involve working in the studio, either in groups developing design projects or working independently.

Methods include:

  • tutorials and support
  • traditional lectures and seminars
  • site visits and library-based research
  • individual and group project work

Assessment methods

You'll be assessed through a combination of:

  • Assignments – written or fieldwork

  • Case studies

  • Dissertation or research project

  • Essays

  • Examinations – practical or online

  • Portfolio submission

  • Presentations

  • Projects

  • Reflective report/journal

  • Reports

Skills and experience

Practical skills

You'll learn about the design process through a series of design projects. You'll gradually develop your architectural thinking, skills and knowledge working in our well-equipped studios.

You'll also gain an understanding of architectural design through working with drawing and model-making in Stage 1, and Adobe Suite and CAD software in Stage 2.

In Stage 3 you'll have the chance to participate in a live community project, seeing theory put into practice.


Accredited Pathways

If you have chosen to pursue an accredited pathway/route, upon completion of Stage 3 you will proceed in the following way, depending on the route chosen:

Architecture pathway

You will proceed to study for a final year (Stage 4) to achieve the Architects Registration Board Part I accreditation in the form of the Master of Architecture and Urban Planning (Architecture) degree.

During that year you will further your knowledge into climate design and action, as well as construction, material, architectural design and professional practice.

Urban Design pathway

You will take a placement year in a planning office to achieve the Certificate in Planning Practice. Upon completion of this paid year in industry, you will return to Newcastle to study for a final year to achieve the Royal Town Planning Institute accreditation in the form of the Master of Architecture and Urban Planning (Urban Design) degree.

During this final year of study, you will engage in understanding urban transformation and urban design in existing contexts and areas of regeneration.

Landscape Architecture route

You will take a year out in a landscape practice, this year in industry will then provide you with the opportunity to join the Stage 2 Master in Landscape Architecture at Newcastle for a final year of study which will award you with the Landscape Institute accreditation in the form of the Master of Landscape Architecture.

During this year, you will acquire specialist knowledge in such areas as site-planning, land modelling, landscape construction, planting design as well as engage in contemporary issues including the climate crisis, social justice and rapid urbanisation.

Facilities and environment


As an Architecture and Planning student, you will split your time between our dedicated Architecture building and the newly refurbished Henry Daysh Building.

You will have access to a fully equipped analogue workshop and casting space as well as state-of-the-art digital fabrication facilities, including:

  • 3D printers
  • a CNC router
  • laser cutters

Design studios

Our design studios include CAD facilities and drawing boards. We have dedicated AUP Studio Space with limited access however, you will also have access to studio space elsewhere in the School.

Other facilities

You will also benefit from:

  • Archiprint facilities, 5x A0 Printers, 2 x A0 scanners, A3 scanners available in studio rooms
  • student-run Kofi bar providing a social space for you to meet with staff and fellow students

You will collaborate with artists and engineers to test design ideas at 1:1 scale, and explore alternative forms of practice with community projects.

Find out more about our facilities.

Architecture building


Parenting scheme

This scheme aims to help you adapt to student life and get the most out of your time here by putting you in contact with current undergraduate students who can share their knowledge and experiences.

Dedicated Student Recruitment and Wellbeing Manager

This key staff member offers support if you are experiencing particular issues that are affecting your performance whilst at University.

You can discuss confidential problems with them and receive relevant support and advice. They will also offer guidance about other University services that may be of benefit.

Your future

Developing your employability

We will help you to develop a range of transferable skills that employers look for in new graduates. These skills have helped graduates find employment in numerous fields such as:

  • urban design
  • landscape architecture
  • property development
  • construction management
  • planning

Make a difference

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Careers support

Our award-winning Careers Service is one of the largest and best in the country, and we have strong links with employers. We provide an extensive range of opportunities to all students through our ncl+ initiative.

Visit our Careers Service website

Recognition of professional qualifications outside of the UK

From 1 January 2021 there is an update to the way professional qualifications are recognised by countries outside of the UK

Additional information

The Route to Royal Town Planning Institute Accreditation

The route to receiving Royal Town Planning Institute accreditation is a 5-year programme. Beginning with the BA (Hons) Architecture and Urban Planning degree, followed by the Certification of Planning Practice and concluded by the MA in Urban Design. To qualify for this accreditation students must opt for the RTPI approved modules during their studies. These RTPI approved modules are specified in the module and learning section.

Students taking the RTPI pathway will receive full accreditation from the Royal Town Planning Institute.

If you graduate from this degree with a 2:2 or above, you'll automatically receive an offer to the following programmes:

  • Urban Design MA
  • Master of Landscape Architecture MLA
  • Urban Planning MSc

Transfer opportunities

This wide-ranging degree opens up a great variety of career paths in the built environment. However, we understand that you may not yet be sure exactly where your architectural/planning interests lie. If you have acquired the relevant skills in Stage 1, you may be eligible to transfer to another similar degree within the School if you find your interests change, such as:

Work placement

Get career ready with a work placement and leave as a confident professional in your field. You can apply to spend 9 to 12 months working in any organisation in the world, and receive University support from our dedicated team to secure your dream placement. Work placements take place between stages 2 and 3.

You'll gain first-hand experience of working in the sector, putting your learning into practice and developing your professional expertise.

If you choose to take a work placement, it will extend your degree by a year, and your degree title will show you have achieved the placement year. A work placement is not available if you're spending a year studying abroad. Placements are subject to availability.

Find out more about work placements

Study abroad

Experience life in another country by choosing to study abroad as part of your degree. You’ll be encouraged to embrace fun and challenging experiences, make connections with new communities and graduate as a globally aware professional, ready for your future.

In Stage 2 you can choose to spend a whole semester studying in Europe as part of a study abroad exchange.

Find out more about study abroad

Entry requirements

All candidates are considered on an individual basis and we accept a broad range of qualifications. The entrance requirements and offers below apply to 2025 entry. 

International Baccalaureate

Other UK and the Republic of Ireland qualifications

Contextual Offers

Through one of our contextual routes, you could receive an offer of up to three grades lower than the typical requirements.

What is a contextual offer? Find out more and if you’re eligible for this or our PARTNERS Programme supported entry route.

Qualifications from outside the UK

English Language requirements

Entrance courses (INTO)

International Pathway Courses are specialist programmes designed for international students who want to study in the UK. We provide a range of study options for international students in partnership with INTO. 

Find out more about International Pathway Courses

Admissions policy

This policy applies to all undergraduate and postgraduate admissions at Newcastle University. It is intended to provide information about our admissions policies and procedures to applicants and potential applicants, to their advisors and family members, and to staff of the University.

University Admissions Policy and related policies and procedures

Credit transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) can allow you to convert existing relevant university-level knowledge, skills and experience into credits towards a qualification. Find out more about the RPL policy which may apply to this course.

Tuition fees and scholarships

Tuition fees for academic year 2025-2026

See our ‘Home Fee Students’ and ‘International Fee Students’ information below for more information on tuition fee levels, fee status and inflationary fee increases.

Qualification: BA Honours

Home students

full time 3 years

Tuition fees (Year 1)


International students

full time 3 years

Tuition fees (Year 1)


Year abroad and additional costs

For programmes where you can spend a year on a work placement or studying abroad, you will receive a significant fee reduction for that year. 

Some of our degrees involve additional costs which are not covered by your tuition fees.


Find out more about:

Open days and events

How to apply

Apply through UCAS

To apply for undergraduate study at Newcastle University, you must use the online application system managed by the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). All UK schools and colleges, and a small number of EU and international establishments, are registered with UCAS. You will need:

  • the UCAS name and institution codes for Newcastle University (NEWC/N21)
  • the UCAS code for the course you want to apply for
  • the UCAS 'buzzword' for your school or college

If you are applying independently, or are applying from a school or college which is not registered to manage applications, you will still use the Apply system. You will not need a buzzword.

Apply through UCAS

Apply through an agent

International students often apply to us through an agent. Have a look at our recommended agents and get in touch with them.

Visit our International pages

Get in touch

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Call us on +44 (0) 191 208 3333 and press option 1. Our opening hours are Monday to Friday 10am until 4pm.

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