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DTC1002 : Food Studies (Inactive)

  • Inactive for Year: 2025/26
  • Module Leader(s): Ms Roisin Devaney
  • Lecturer: Dr Kirsten Brandt, Dr Andrea Fairley, Dr Gerry O'Brien, Dr Julia Cooper, Mr Simon Parker
  • Owning School: Biomedical, Nutritional and Sports Scien
  • Teaching Location: Newcastle City Campus

Your programme is made up of credits, the total differs on programme to programme.

Semester 1 Credit Value: 10
Semester 2 Credit Value: 10
ECTS Credits: 10.0
European Credit Transfer System


This module aims to introduce students to the classification, composition and provenance of the main food commodities in the context of nutrition and healthy eating guidelines, and consider agricultural and industrial food chains from a UK and global perspective. Students will also consider food security, sustainability and food ethics.

Outline Of Syllabus

Teaching and learning will include the following areas:

Food groups, sub-classifications and characteristics; National healthy eating guidelines; Climate, soils and land use; food supply chain and sustainable development (farm to fork); globalisation of the food chain; food portion sizes of commonly consumed foods and food products; relative costs of foods; food ethics and quality assurance.

Teaching Methods

Teaching Activities
Category Activity Number Length Student Hours Comment
Structured Guided LearningLecture materials21:002:00Non-synchronous online: Module introduction & assessment overview
Structured Guided LearningLecture materials411:0041:00Non-synchronous online: Lectures and associated materials (quizzes/tasks)
Scheduled Learning And Teaching ActivitiesLecture42:008:00PIP: Delivery of core lecture material
Guided Independent StudyAssessment preparation and completion135:0035:00Revision and assessment prep
Scheduled Learning And Teaching ActivitiesPractical62:0012:00PIP - practical exercises to reinforce learning
Scheduled Learning And Teaching ActivitiesWorkshops112:0022:00PIP - Topical talks and group discussions relating to food commodities, healthy eating guidelines
Scheduled Learning And Teaching ActivitiesWorkshops11:001:00PIP - Formative exam
Scheduled Learning And Teaching ActivitiesFieldwork16:006:00PIP - Interaction with third sector organisation(s) relating to food systems
Scheduled Learning And Teaching ActivitiesDrop-in/surgery11:001:00Sync online - Support sessions for summative assessments
Scheduled Learning And Teaching ActivitiesDrop-in/surgery12:002:00PIP - Support sessions for summative assessment
Guided Independent StudyIndependent study170:0070:00Recommended and independent reading & research.
Teaching Rationale And Relationship

Teaching will consist of present in person lectures/workshops to support core theoretical aspects of the module and to assess/support application of theory into meaningful practical terms. All workshops, practicals, group discussions, seminars, enrichment activities and field visits will support student engagement and learning.

Directed research and reading will enable students to understand theoretical material which will be developed in greater detail during workshops and practical classes.

Assessment Methods

The format of resits will be determined by the Board of Examiners

Description Length Semester When Set Percentage Comment
Digital Examination601A50PIP Inspera Invigilated: Computer-based MCQ exam Approximately 60 MCQs
Other Assessment
Description Semester When Set Percentage Comment
Written exercise2M50Written assignment (1500 words covering topics relating to content covered)
Formative Assessments

Formative Assessment is an assessment which develops your skills in being assessed, allows for you to receive feedback, and prepares you for being assessed. However, it does not count to your final mark.

Description Semester When Set Comment
Digital Examination1MPIP Inspera Invigilated formative exam with MCQ to prepare students for summative exam
Assessment Rationale And Relationship

Semester 1 exam will assess students’ knowledge on food commodity groups and current healthy eating guidelines. Students will have to ensure they have a comprehensive knowledge on each of the food commodity groups and an in-depth understanding of healthy eating guidelines in order to pass. A formative digital exam will provide students with the opportunity to become familiar with the types of questions posed in the summative examination and will act as a revision tool and prepare students for the final exam.

The written exercise in semester 2 will take the form of an essay and assess students understanding of key concepts covered throughout the module. This assessment will enable students to demonstrate their ability to critically analyse concepts relating to the food chain in combination with providing an educated dialogue, thus assessing students true understanding.

MDiet candidates must obtain an overall mark of 40 or above to pass the module, however, if the module has more than one assessment students must also achieve a mark of at least 35 in each component of the assessment to pass the module.

Reading Lists
