DTC3003 : Consultation Skills for Dietetics
- Offered for Year: 2025/26
- Module Leader(s): Ms Roisin Devaney
- Co-Module Leader: Miss Emma Priestley
- Lecturer: Ms Susan Lennie, Dr Andrea Fairley, Mrs Kim Hyde, Miss Laura Haigh
- Owning School: Biomedical, Nutritional and Sports Scien
- Teaching Location: Newcastle City Campus
Your programme is made up of credits, the total differs on programme to programme.
Semester 2 Credit Value: | 10 |
Semester 3 Credit Value: | 10 |
ECTS Credits: | 10.0 |
European Credit Transfer System |
This module uses a range of clinical conditions and diseases as the foundation and basis for dietetic students to develop their core dietetic practice skills and develop skills in dietetic education and case management in the academic setting in preparation for placement. There is an emphasis and focus on person-centred care and using simulation and case-based learning. Students will then progress to practice placement B to apply their skills under appropriate supervision and guidance with service users. The module also aims to enable the student to evaluate their personal and professional development and the practice learning experience and to begin to plan future learning needs.
Outline Of Syllabus
This practice-learning based module will include simulated and experiential learning. The module will include:
Transferring knowledge from academic modules and the available evidence base to support practice.
Nutrition and Dietetic Care model and process.
• Assessment, treatment and management of service users.
• Clinical reasoning, problem solving, enablement and goal setting.
Portfolio development.
Communication with service users, educators, tutors, interdisciplinary team members, support staff and other relevant parties, including use of relevant professional documentation.
Person-centred care
• Fitness to Practice
• Team working, time management, administrative duties, organisation.
• Application of safe practice including mandatory training and protocols.
• Professional practice, standards, policies and procedures
Reflection, personal and professional development on:
• Teamwork and communication skills.
• Clinical client care skills.
• Community and population health skills.
• Food and foodservice systems skills.
• Leadership, management and organisational skills.
• Ethical dilemmas.
Teaching Methods
Teaching Activities
Category | Activity | Number | Length | Student Hours | Comment |
Guided Independent Study | Assessment preparation and completion | 1 | 15:00 | 15:00 | Preparation for post placement module assessment. |
Placement/Study Abroad | Clinical Training | 1 | 450:00 | 450:00 | 12 week, full time placement within an approved health and social care setting. |
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities | Workshops | 11 | 2:00 | 22:00 | Simulated learning opportunities reflecting clinic dietetic practice - PIP |
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities | Workshops | 2 | 3:00 | 6:00 | Interactive sessions focusing on key practical skills |
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities | Drop-in/surgery | 1 | 2:00 | 2:00 | Assessment preparation and question and answer session. |
Total | 495:00 |
Teaching Rationale And Relationship
This module will form part of the evidence of satisfactory completion of 1,000 hours of practice education required by the British Dietetic Association.
Students will be expected to attend workshops and simulated practice experiences in the academic setting in advance of the placement component.
Each student will be allocated to a health and social care setting of a placement partner of Newcastle University for a minimum of 12 weeks (full time hours). Students on placement and practice educators will normally receive one liaison contact from a member of academic staff to integrate academic based studies with practice-based experience, monitor students' progress and contribute to formative feedback/feed forward advice. Additional contacts may be arranged as necessary. Placement-based staff will conduct the final placement assessment and signing off of learning outcomes and competencies.
Total hours exceed those recommended for a 20 credit module due to the hours on placement. The placement hours contribute to the mandatory hours specified in the BDA Curriculum Framework for the Education and Training of Dietitians.
Assessment Methods
The format of resits will be determined by the Board of Examiners
Other Assessment
Description | Semester | When Set | Percentage | Comment |
Reflective log | 3 | M | 100 | Critical reflection on placement learning, and development of future learning plan (max. 2000) |
Zero Weighted Pass/Fail Assessments
Description | When Set | Comment |
Portfolio | M | Competence-based portfolio |
Prof skill assessmnt | M | Observation of service user consultation - PIP |
Assessment Rationale And Relationship
The Professional Skills Assessment will observe students undertaking a service user consultation based on seen case histories. Students will have preparation time to undertake a comprehensive dietetic assessment and develop a plan. Consultation assessment will focus on communication and appropriateness of dietetic advice. Students must pass this assessment in advance of progression to Practice Placement B via an observation of professional practice. This assessment will ensure that students have developed basic consultation skills to develop further with service users in the health and social care setting.
The placement is assessed as a competence via portfolio of evidence by the Practice Educator in the dietetic practice setting. The assessment consists of supervised assessed practice and pieces of written work as determined by the placements group. The student and their Practice Educator carry out an ongoing review of progress and a portfolio is compiled throughout the placement. The placement portfolio assesses placement competencies comprising 100% of the assessed placement portfolio.
Students who are unable to achieve the placement competencies by the end of the placement may be given the opportunity to undertake additional practice hours in order to meet the placement competencies. Such decisions will be made by the Degree Programme Director and Practice Educator. In making this decision the BDA Curriculum Framework for the Pre-registration, Education and Training of Dietitians must be adhered to in relation to undertaking additional practice hours.
The reflective essay will enable students to consider their development of transferable skills required for the practice of dietetics and make a future learning and development plan for implementation in Practice Placement C.
MDiet candidates must obtain an overall mark of 40 or above to pass the module, however, if the module has more than one assessment students must also achieve a mark of at least 35 in each component of the assessment to pass the module.
Reading Lists
- Timetable Website: www.ncl.ac.uk/timetable/
- DTC3003's Timetable