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EDU3009 : Adventures in Digital Learning (Inactive)

  • Inactive for Year: 2024/25
  • Module Leader(s): Dr James Stanfield
  • Owning School: Education, Communication & Language Sci
  • Teaching Location: Newcastle City Campus

Your programme is made up of credits, the total differs on programme to programme.

Semester 1 Credit Value: 10
Semester 2 Credit Value: 10
ECTS Credits: 10.0
European Credit Transfer System


The main aims and purpose of this module are:

• To critically review the theoretical and contemporary debates and practices surrounding the growth of digital learning and its impact on wider society;

• To explore the theories of learning that underpin uses of digital tools in education;

• To explore the nature of the learner experience and learning needs within online learning environments;

• To develop a critical approach to analyzing the impact of digital tools in education;

• To explore the value of human presence in the classroom and the changing role of the teacher in the digital age.

Outline Of Syllabus

• How do we Learn: Theoretical Perspectives.
• Historical Perspectives on Digital Learning.
• Investigating Personal Learning Networks.
• Investigating Virtual Reality.
• Investigating Artificial Intelligence.
• Investigating Digital Literacy.
• Investigating the Dark Side and the Digital Divide.
• Investigating the Changing Role of the Teacher.
• Investigating the Value of Human Presence in the Classroom.
• Predicting The Future of Learning in the Digital Age.

Teaching Methods

Teaching Activities
Category Activity Number Length Student Hours Comment
Scheduled Learning And Teaching ActivitiesLecture91:009:00SOL
Guided Independent StudyAssessment preparation and completion180:0080:00N/A
Structured Guided LearningLecture materials182:0036:00N/A
Scheduled Learning And Teaching ActivitiesWorkshops91:009:00PIP
Structured Guided LearningStructured non-synchronous discussion181:0018:00N/A
Guided Independent StudyReflective learning activity148:0048:00N/A
Teaching Rationale And Relationship

Online lectures and seminar discussions will be combined with a variety of different online learning activities. Students will also have the opportunity to share their thoughts, opinions and reflections both in class and online via their own personal blog. Personal blogs are also used by the lecturer throughout the module to provide students with feedback about the quality of their work and how it can be improved.

Assessment Methods

The format of resits will be determined by the Board of Examiners

Other Assessment
Description Semester When Set Percentage Comment
Reflective log1M502,000 words - Reflective blogs
Essay2M502,000 words - Short essay
Assessment Rationale And Relationship

Reflective blogs – Reflective blogs are written from the students own perspective and students will have the opportunity to describe and reflect on their own experiences of digital learning, linking these experiences to the relevant literature. This linking of personal experiences with the relevant literature helps to create a link between their studies and the real world.

Essay – the essay assesses students ability to engage in more depth with theory and research from the wider field of digital learning and the future of learning in the digital age.

Reading Lists
