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Electrical and Electronic Engineering Scholarships

We have a range of scholarships available for Electrical and Electronic Engineering students.

CyberFirst Student Bursary

This bursary provides:

  • an annual bursary of £4000 for each year of degree study in a STEM subject
  • work experience opportunities

Find out more about the CyberFirst Student Bursary

E3 Academy Scholarships

The E3 Academy supports the development of young people interested in challenging and well-paid careers in leading UK engineering companies.

E3 scholars are supported with:

  • scholarships
  • vacation work placements
  • summer schools
  • company mentoring

These all help contribute to employment after graduation.

Find out more about E3 Academy Scholarships

F William Stephenson Excellence Scholarship
Provided by

Professor Bill Stephenson BSc (Dunelm), PhD (Newcastle), DSc (Newcastle).

US-based graduate F William 'Bill' Stephenson has donated to Electrical and Electronic Engineering. This allows the School of Engineering to offer a scholarship of £3,000 every year. The top student entering the University to begin their Stage 1 studies will receive this scholarship.

A native of North Tyneside, Bill obtained his undergraduate from King's College, University of Durham in 1961, and his PhD and DSc from Newcastle University. He was active in student government, serving as the last President of King's College Student Representative Council in 1963. This was the same year that Newcastle University was founded.

A native of North Tyneside, Bill obtained his undergraduate from King's College, University of Durham in 1961, and his PhD and DSc from Newcastle University. He was active in student government, serving as the last President of King's College Student Representative Council in 1963. This was the same year that Newcastle University was founded.

Bill comments on his upbringing, 'I was an only child from a very supportive, but relatively poor family living in a home with gas lighting and outdoor facilities.

It is strange that I should study Electrical Engineering without ever having encountered its benefits in everyday domestic life.'

Bill takes a keen interest in Newcastle matters, especially relating to his beloved Newcastle United. 'Unfortunately, following Newcastle United often leads to very stressful Saturdays,' he says.

'King's College and Newcastle University transformed my life and gave me opportunities I never dreamed possible. The University has had a very special place in my heart for over 50 years. Without scholarships, I could not have afforded a university education without extreme financial sacrifice. By creating this scholarship, I hope to help foster excellence by contributing in some small way to the future success of a talented individual.'


One scholarship is awarded each year to the top Electrical and Electronic Engineering student at Stage 1. The student will receive an award of £3,000 in their first year of study.


Criteria include:

  • holding 3 ‘A’ grades at A Level, one to be in Mathematics
  • standard of university application
How to apply

The successful candidate will be contacted by the School of Engineering in Semester One.

Queries should be directed to: 0191 208 8745



IET Power Academy Scholarships

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has established the Power Academy to address the looming skills shortage in power engineering through a combination of financial support and workplace mentoring for students.

The Academy supports undergraduate students in electrical and power engineering at leading UK universities.

For 2021 applications, please revisit this page at a later date.

Find out more about IET Power Academy Scholarships

Scott-Briggs Bursary

Name of Scholarship: Scott-Briggs Bursary 

Provided by: Professor Paul Dent (BSc Biochemistry 1988). 

Number of awards available: 1  

Scholarship Amount: £1,000 for 1 year of study only. 

Eligibility Criteria

This scholarship is available to undergraduate students from the North East, commencing their degree programme at Newcastle University in either the:

  • School of Natural and Environmental Sciences
  • School of Engineering
  • School of Mathematics
  • Statistics and Physics
  • School of Biomedical, Nutritional and Sport Sciences

How to Apply

The scholarship will be awarded to one student who comes from a WP background. Applications will be judged on academic potential, enthusiasm, and aptitude for the chosen programme of study. 

To be eligible for this award, you must be a Year 1 undergraduate home student in either the Schools of: 

  • Engineering
  • Natural and Environmental Sciences
  • Mathematics Statistics and Physics
  • Biomedical, Nutritional and Sport Sciences

Preference will be given to students who lived in one of the following locations on application to Newcastle University:

  • Northumberland
  • North Tyneside
  • the City of Newcastle
  • Gateshead
  • South Tyneside
  • the City of Sunderland
  • County Durham

Applications should be submitted via the online application form:

Applications must be received no later than 31 October 2024.

Notice of Award

You will be informed by the Student Financial Support Team by the end of the Autumn Term of the outcome of your application.   

Conditions of scholarship

All scholarship recipients are asked to provide an introductory profile when they first receive the award, and an annual update report in Spring/Summer to inform their donor of their progress. You will be contacted to provide these reports with plenty of notice. Recipients are required to be available to meet the donors and participate in the promotion of student support activity at Newcastle University if requested.   

Queries should be directed to NU Advancement:

UKNEST Science and Engineering Scholarship

The UKNEST Scholarship Scheme is open to students studying on any STEM subject degree in the UK. The scholarship scheme offers the following benefits: 

  • a graduate buddy;
  • Mentoring from a UKNEST member organisation;
  • an annual bursary of £1,500 per academic year (£500/term);
  • the potential for work placements with a UKNEST Organisation.

Applications can be made at the link:

UKNEST promotes engineering, science and technology on behalf of the Naval sector and is committed to supporting and inspiring young people, students and early career professionals. UKNEST champions diversity and inclusion and applications are encouraged from students of all backgrounds. 

The closing date for applications is 12 September 2022.

Find out more about the UKNEST Scholarship 

The Wood Fund

Name of Scholarship: The Wood Fund 

Provided by: Community Foundation Tyne and Wear and Northumberland

Scholarship Amount: Awards of £3,000 may be made for one year, with the option of reapplying for successive years.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for this award you must:

  • Be an undergraduate home student in Stage 1 of study
  • Have been resident in one of the following postcodes for 5+ years:
    • NE
    • DH
    • TS
    • SR
    • DL
  • Be studying in an Engineering degree programme in one of the following disciplines:
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Electrical Engineering
    • Civil Engineering
  • Have and be able to demonstrate financial need for the award. This could include:
    • Unable to cover basic costs including the costs associated with study
    • Having to work in excess of 10 hours per week in a job

Application is by competitive process. The fund awards bursaries to all and seeks to obtain a diverse balance of bursary recipients. We particularly welcome applications from female students from black and minoritised ethnic communities who are also currently under-represented in the bursary awards.

How to Apply

Online applications must be submitted no later than 23 November 2023.

Applications will be judged on academic potential, enthusiasm and aptitude for the chosen programme of study. Applicants should use the full word count available to state their case for support.

Recipients are required to provide proof of enrolment, a supporting statement from their tutor and an annual update on their progress. They should also be available to meet the fund advisor if requested.

Applications should be submitted via the online application form: The Wood Fund

Queries should be directed to: Elaine Holdsworth 

Privacy Policy 

The Community Foundation uses personal data to build financial and volunteer support, to send communications, to administer donations, grants, volunteering and membership, as well as other activities which promote our aims and objectives. We take great care in how we do this and full details of how we process your data are available at

Ann Cairns Scholarship

Name of Scholarship: Ann Cairns Scholarship

Provided by: Ann Cairns (MSc Medical Statistics, 1979).

Supporting women to study STEM subjects reflects the shared ethos of the Ann Cairns Scholarship, the Women’s Giving Circle, and Newcastle University. The scholarship is designed to encourage more women into these subjects.

Number of awards available: 12

Scholarship Amount: £2,000 per year for three years

Eligibility Criteria:

Supporting young women to study STEM subjects.

Scholarships are available for female students in Year 1 of an undergraduate degree programme in the Schools of Engineering; Computing; or Mathematics, Statistics and Physics, commencing their degree programme at Newcastle University in September 2024. 

Preference will be given to female home students, ordinarily resident in the UK, and capable of high academic performance.

How to Apply:

Applications should be submitted via the online application form:

Applications must be received no later than 31 October 2024. 

Notice of Award: You will be informed by the Student Financial Support Team by the end of the Autumn term of the outcome of your application.   

Conditions of scholarship:

All scholarship recipients are asked to provide an introductory profile when they first receive the award, and an annual update report to inform their donor of their progress. You will be contacted to provide these reports with plenty of notice.  Recipients are encouraged to be available to meet the donors and participate in promotion of student support activity at Newcastle University if requested.   

Queries should be directed to NU Advancement:     

ERA Foundation Scholarship

Name of Scholarship: ERA Foundation Scholarship 2024-25

Provided by: 

ERA Foundation

To support women studying Electrical and Electronic Engineering at UK universities.

The scholarship has at its heart the celebration of the centenary of the Electrical Association for Women, an organisation which – amongst other things - inspired and supported women in electrical and electronic engineering

Number of awards available: 1

Scholarship Amount: £2,000 per year for three or four years.

Eligibility Criteria:

Supporting young women to study Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

One scholarship is available for a female student in Year 1 of the Electrical and Electronic Engineering degree programme in the School of Engineering, commencing their studies at Newcastle University in September 2024. 

Preference will be given to female home students, ordinarily resident in the UK, and capable of high academic performance.

How to Apply:

Applications should be submitted via the online application form

Applications must be received no later than 31 October 2024.

Notice of Award: You will be informed by the Student Financial Support Team by the end of the Autumn term of the outcome of your application.   

Conditions of scholarship:

All scholarship recipients are asked to provide an introductory profile when they first receive the award, and an annual update report to inform their donor of their progress. You will be contacted to provide these reports with plenty of notice.  Recipients are encouraged to be available to meet the donors and participate in the promotion of student support activity at Newcastle University if requested.  

Queries should be directed to NU Advancement:       

Wilson Campbell Memorial Scholarship

Name of Scholarship: Wilson Campbell Memorial Scholarship

Provided by: 

Newcastle University Development Trust

Number of awards available: 8

Scholarship Amount: £1,000

Eligibility Criteria:

8 awards of £1,000 each are available to stage 1 students on either an Electrical and Electronic Engineering degree programme or Mechanical Engineering degree programme.

Scholarship will be awarded automatically to the top-ranking students on these programmes registered as stage 1 students in 2024-25.

Notice of Award: The successful candidates will be contacted by the School of Engineering and Student Financial Support Services in the Autumn Term.

Conditions of scholarship:

All scholarship recipients are asked to provide an introductory profile when they first receive the award, and an annual update report to inform their donor of their progress. You will be contacted to provide these reports with plenty of notice.  Recipients are encouraged to be available to meet the donors and participate in the promotion of student support activity at Newcastle University if requested.   

Queries should be directed to NU Advancement: