About the Awards
We honour projects displaying the diverse ways University colleagues and students work with external partners and communities.
The awards recognise many innovative collaborations between the University and its external partners. These bring value to the social, cultural and economic wellbeing in our city, region and across the globe.
We're delighted to announce our award winners and shortlisted projects for the Engagement Engagement and Place Awards 2025 below.
Engaging for Health and Wellbeing
The Engaging for Health & Wellbeing Award is for colleagues wanting engage to create a world in which we all live healthier, happier and longer lives.
Engaging for Economic Benefit
This category celebrates colleagues who engage with entrepreneurs, businesses and not-for-profit organisations. The aim is to generate economic benefit for the University and its partners through innovation and knowledge exchange.
Engaging for Societal and Environmental Benefit
This category celebrates projects adding value in our society to tackle global environmental challenges.
Engaging for Cultural Benefit
This category describes projects contributing to the vibrancy and cultural richness of our region.
Engaging with Policy and Practice
This category recognises projects that inform policy through research, teaching and knowledge exchange. They will explore challenges created by contemporary societal, economic, environmental and cultural issues.
Inclusive Education, Life Long Learning and CPD
This category celebrates collaborative projects with external partners that enrich the learning experience and knowledge of our students and learners.
Early Career Researcher
This category recognises the varied engagement practice undertaken by researchers in the early stages of their research careers, either doctoral students or early career researchers.