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Ukraine Mentor Scheme

Scheme overview

In response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Science for Ukraine UK volunteers have established the UK academic mentoring initiative. This scheme is designed as a swift support mechanism for Ukrainian university colleagues whose professional lives have been disrupted by the conflict.

Key points of the programme

Focused professional support

The mentorship is dedicated exclusively to professional development. It is not a platform for immigration, financial, or personal counselling.

Main areas of support

  • career planning, refining CVs, and navigating job applications
  • building professional networks and increasing academic profiles
  • gaining insights into the UK academic environment
  • advancing skills in the publication process and academic writing

Newcastle University joined this initiative to empower Ukrainian academics. We want to provide targeted advice and support to help them progress in their careers during these challenging times.

How the mentoring initiative works

Given the twinning of Newcastle University with NUWEE, we pair our mentors with mentees from our partner institution in Ukraine whenever possible.

The matching process considers career stage and academic discipline. This ensures that mentors and mentees share relevant professional backgrounds. The scheme is open to participants from all fields.

We expect mentors and mentees to meet at least once every two weeks over a minimum period of three months. Sessions are usually conducted online via mutually convenient platforms. 

To join, both the mentor and the mentee need to register for the scheme then identify compatible matches.

We use the PushFar platform to facilitate the process. It offers tools for both online and offline communication, including meeting scheduling and note-taking.

Why become a mentor?

Participating as a mentor in the Ukraine Mentoring Scheme offers both personal rewards and professional development opportunities. By taking on this role, you will:

  • empower future leaders: play an important role in nurturing the potential of talented Ukrainian academics
  • improve your leadership skills: develop your interpersonal management and leadership capabilities through meaningful engagement
  • improve your communication abilities: you will need to be an active listener and develop supportive guidance skills
  • gain new perspectives: discover firsthand the unique challenges that early-career academics face, enriching your own academic journey
  • expand your network: Open doors to new opportunities for collaboration and build lasting professional relationships
  • represent Newcastle University within the international academic community

By becoming a mentor you contribute to the success of emerging scholars. You also improve your own skills and broaden your professional network.

How to get involved

If you are interested in contributing to the professional growth of Ukrainian academics during this critical time, we encourage you to sign up as a mentor. You can either contact Science for Ukraine UK directly or register as a Mentor via the PushFar platform.